2010-04-28: Git Collaboration Notes

Git collaboration workshop

  • git clone <URL>: downloads the repository from the web to our computer
    • Make sure you don't nest this command in another repository
    • just like git initdo this only once per repository
git remote -v
origin	https://github.com/domschoen/2010-04-28-git-collaboration-dschoen.git (fetch)
origin	https://github.com/domschoen/2010-04-28-git-collaboration-dschoen.git (push)


Create a new branch

git branch my_first_branch

List all branches

git branch -a    

git switch my_first_branch or
git checkout my_first_branch

Delete a branch git branch -d my_first_branch

create and go directly to the branch git switch -c my_first_branch git checkout -b my_first_branch

git --version git version 2.15.0 Trainer: 2.26.2

### List all branches

git log --oneline --all --decorate

git log --oneline --graph --all --decorate

### Merge
Let's do it on the web interface (to get the review and all other stuff)

### Stashing
writing a temporary commit

git stash

Then we can switch to master and go back to the branch reapply the stash to retrieve your work.

git stash apply

git stash list

git stash clear

git push --set-upstream origin my_first_branch
git push origin my_first_branch

Deleted branch 
git fetch --prune

git branch -d my_first_branch
git branch -a
git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all

### Exercise
1. create a new branch

git checkout master git checkout -b mybranch

2. edit the reame file 

git add README.md

3. push the branch to the remote

git push origin mybranch

4. create the PR
  - master compare mybranch
  - create PR
5. look around
6. merge the PR
7. delete the branch on GH
8. go to master on local computer 
9. pull merged changes

git checkout master git pull origin master

10. clean up all your branches
--all if you have multiple remotes.

git fetch --prune --all git branch -a git branch -d mybranch git log --oneline --graph --decorate --all

if muliple people merging at the same time
git is a acyclic graph
second person problem

What if we merge and we have also modification in the master

Let's try
2 branches