
Handschrifterkennung in CUDA

Primary LanguageC++

Handwritten digit recognition with CUDA and C++

Uses the "THE MNIST DATABASE of handwritten digits" to learn an artificial neural network
using "Feed-Forward" and "Back-Propagation" for recognition of handwritten digits.

./Handschrifterkennung [CONFIG]

	Path to the config-file

Configuration: [key][:|=][value]

		Currently [c++] and [cuda] is supported

		Path to the training-samples

		Path to the training-labels

		Path to the test-samples

		Path to the test-labels

		Number of threads for calculation
 		This field will be ignored in the cuda-implementation
		Default: 1

		Number of nodes in the hidden-layer
		Default: 20

		Number of learning-iterations on the same trainings-set
		Default: 1

		Learning-Rate for the back-propagation algorithm
		Default: 1

		Activate GUI-window for a live-demo
		Default: 1

		X-Resolution of the GUI-window
		Default: 800

		Y-Resolution of the GUI-window
		Default: 800

		Enable hardware accelerator for GUI
		Default: 1