
an daemon app that will log all keystrokes while running


an daemon app that will log all keystrokes while running e.g. (running python keylogger.py in a terminal session -- though ideally this script can be set to run whenever the computer is awake)

Specifications brainstorm

  • runs in the background (daemon process)
  • format of keystroke logging : each stroke has its own line of the form <timestamp> <key> though not sure how difficult that will be
  • automatically begins running when the computer is awake
  • keep track of keystrokes separately for different applications (maybe include pid in each log line?)

Potential uses

  • this is mainly because I'm curious what it would take to do this in Python :) Also to learn a bit more about operating systems
  • what is the distribution of keystrokes?
  • can the next keystroke be predicted based on the past 'N'?
  • what can we infer about the users behavior just from this data? (i.e. are they coding? Writing a letter?...)
  • analysis of consecutive keystroke distance to see if another keyboard layout would be more efficient