
Modified version of the popular Lightbox image viewer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

	███   	▄                   ▄▄▄  ▄▄  ▄▄▄
	██    	█    ▀  ▄▄  ▄ ▄ ▄▄▄   █ █  █ █  █
	█████ 	█    █ █  ▀ █ █  █   █  █▄▄█ █▄▄▀
	  ██  	█    █ █ ▀█ █▀█  █  █   █  █ █
	  █   	▀▀▀▀ ▀  ▀▀  ▀ ▀  ▀  ▀▀▀ ▀  ▀ ▀  by Dragonzap
			original by Lokesh Dhakar [Lightbox]

For more information, visit:

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License - http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.5/
- free for use in both personal and commercial projects
- attribution requires leaving author name, author link, and the license info intact

	1. Upload js, css, icons folder to FTP, and paste the next three line to HTML header region.
		<script src="js/lightzap.js"></script>
		<link href="css/lightzap.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
	2. Add a rel="lightzap" attribute to any link tag to activate LightZAP.
		<a href="image/image-1.jpg" data-lightzap="" title="my caption"><img src=”image/image-1_thumb.jpg></a>
	href = the fullsize image path
	title = the image caption
	data-lightzap = album name or whitout [...]
	data-desc = image description
	data-by = the link text ( eg.: author )
	data-link =  the link url ( eg.: author webpage )
	data-options = enable functions or if functions is enabled then it's disable this.

	In js/lightzap.js