
An early work-in-progress elevator script for Second Life

Primary LanguageLSLCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0

Falcon Elevator

This is an attempt to create a set of open source LSL scripts for the operation of elevator systems in Second Life.

Currently, the Delta Elevator is the most sophisticated elevator system in Second Life - by far. However, its scripts are closed source. This means using the Delta will introduce no-mod scripts to a build, which can be an issue.

The Falcon will focus on core features. It does not aim to copy the full feature-set of the Delta. Also, with the target audience being creators, there won't be much effort on making the setup process particularly user-friendly.

The goal is to have a solid and versatile script that enables creators to come up with custom tailored elevator systems for their own builds or for distribution to end-users.

This is a very early work-in-progress. There isn't much to see here yet.


This project is making use of Firestorm's LSL preprocessor, more specifically its #include and #define features. You'll need those in order to compile the scripts. To do so, point the viewer's script include directory to the lib folder of this repo.


The following are notes on how the system is intended to work; these are my personal implementation notes/concepts. Unless you are working on an elevator script yourself and want some inspiration, this won't be of use to you.


Identifiers represent the relevant concepts of an elevator system:

  • bank, a set of elevators that work in conjunction
  • shaft, conceptually equivalent to an elevator cab
  • floor, a landing that a cab can travel to


The following components are required for operation:

name number associated with
controller 1 per system bank
cab 1-4 per bank bank
doorway 1 per shaft & floor bank, shaft, floor
call_buttons 0-4 per floor bank, floor

Note that the call_buttons may be implemented as subcomponent of a doorway instead, hence why they are listed as optional above.

The doorway could, in the simplest case, be an invisible prim or piece of the floor in front of the cab entrance. Its main purpose is to determine the position of the floor landings, i.e. where the cabs are supposed to travel to exactly when they are being called to a specific floor.


The following components are optional and should come as a linked prim of a specific main component:

name number parent component
cab_controls 0-1 per cab cab
cab_display 0-n per cab cab
cab_doors 0-n per cab cab
doorway_display 0-n per doorway doorway
doorway_doors 0-n per doorway doorway
call_buttons 0-1 per doorway doorway

The handling of subcomponents is not set in stone. For some systems, it can make more sense to have individual scripts take care of these subcomponents. In other systems, it might be sufficient to have a single script in the parent component take care of the subcomponents.

I'm hoping to be able to eventually get two reference implementations out there; one for each of these cases. For now, one will have to do.

Component diagram

Falcon elevator system component diagram

General thoughts

  • All communcation between the main components always goes through the controller; this means that even a system with only one cab needs to have a controller
  • The controller only knows the main components, it does not care about the subcomponents (separation of concerns)
  • Call buttons can be main components or subcomponents of doorways, because we want the option to have a single call button for a set (bank) of elevators, but we also want the option to simplify the system by letting the doorways deal with the buttons

Logic flow

General initialization

Initialization and Pairing

  1. Parse description
    On rez, all components read their description and parse bank name, shaft name and floor name, if applicable
  2. Setup listener
    The controller and all components of type cab, doorway and call_buttons set up a listener on the same channel
  3. Request pairing
    On touch, the controller broadcasts a pair message on said channel; the message contains at least the bank name
  4. Confirm pairing
    All listening components check if the bank name matches their own; if so, they message the controller back with a status message, specifying their shaft and floor name, if applicable
  5. Remember components
    The controller creates and maintains lists of all paired components
  6. Sanity check optional
    The controller checks if all required components are in place; that is, at least one cab and at least two doorway objects for each cab; call_buttons are seen as optional as they might be implemented as a subcomponent of the doorway objects
  7. Find base doorway
    The controller queries the location and rotation of the base doorway (the one closests in z-position to the associated cab); this will also determine the recall floor for the shaft of that doorway, as well as the z-offset between cab and doorways


  1. Request doorway config
    The controller sends a message to all doorways, instructing them to perform configuration; this message includes the x- and y-position and rotation as queried from the base doorway, as well as their custom floor number/name, if any; additionally, it includes a list of all floors and their accessibility (this is important so that the doorways can configure linked call_buttons correctly, if any)
  2. Peform doorway config
    All doorways undergo configuration, then send a status message back to the controller
  3. Request cab config
    The controller sends a message to all cabs, instructing them to perform configuration; the message includes a list of all floors, including their custom floor names and accessibility by that cab
  4. Perform cab config
    All cabs perform configuration, including setting up their subcomponents; the cabs then send a status message back to the controller
  5. Request button config
    The controller sends a message to all call_buttons (if any), instructing them to perform configuration; the message contains a list of all floors, including their custom names
  6. Perform button config
    All call_buttons, if any, perform configuration and report back to the controller with a status message
  7. Inform about success
    If all components were configured successfully, the controller sends out messages to all registered components, informing them that the system is ready
  8. Finish up optional
    All components may now peform additional steps to get into their individual idle/ready states; for example, all cabs and doorways might want to close their doors, if any, etc

Cab subcomponent initialization

This depends on how the cab is constructed and implemented. There are generally three different approaches here:

  • The cabs subcomponents are separate (but linked) prims with separate scripts controlling them - in this case, setup could look similar to how the controller is setting up the main components (see above), meaning that the cab sends out a message to all prims in the linkset, keeps a list of all relevant prims that replied, then instructs them to perform setup;
  • The cabs subcomponents are separate (but linked) prims with no additional scripts - in this case, the cab would do all the work of scanning the linkset, identifying the relevant objects and setting them up as needed;
  • The cabs subcomponents could be implemented as touchable texture areas or in similar ways that do not require additional prims; the cab would then do all the work that the subcomponents might otherwise handle

Doorway subcomponent initialization

The same general logic as for the cab subcomponent initialization applies, see above.

Identifier string syntax (ident-string)

Each main component needs to have certain information present in its description field, which will be used for initialization. This is different from the Delta, which will use more advanced logic instead. However, using a description string is a very solid approach that allows for relatively simple script logic and isn't too hard to set up either.

The general syntax of the ident-string is as follows:


Depending on the component, only some of that information might be required:

component description syntax example
controller bank south-bank
cab bank:shaft south-bank:shaft1
doorway bank:shaft:floor north-bank:shaft-left:2
call_buttons bank::floor north-bank::3

Note that call_buttons have an empty string for the shaft name, hence the two colons (::).

Since : is used as delimiter, it can't be used as part of any of the identifiers. In fact, identifier names may only contain alphanumeric chacters (a-z, 0-9), underscores and dashes.


Message syntax

Messages can contain a maximum of 1024 ASCII characters. The keywords involved should therefore be kept rather short in order to maximize the bytes available for the payload.

The general message syntax is as follows:

signature ident-string command parameters


falcon-cab bank1:shaft2 status ready

Message syntax: signature

The signature identifies the type of component that sent the message:

component signature
controller falcon-control
cab falcon-cab
doorway falcon-doorway
call_buttons falcon-buttons

Message syntax: command

The command is a string that tells the type and meaning of a message. The list of commands is subject to frequent change for the time being.

Note to self: commands should be as system-agnostic as possible. For example, an elevator system might not have buttons in the cab, but a simple lever for "up" and "down". Also, there might be no doors on the cab and/or doorways at all. Hence, a command like doors_closed seems too specific, makes too many assumptions. Instead, something like ready_for_departure should work for pretty much any system.

Message syntax: parameters

The parameters can be empty or any arbitrary string. The meaning and how to parse the parameter string depends on the type of message. For every command, the number and meaning of its parameters shall be documented.

Message commands and parameters

In the following, a > indicates a message from the controller to the components, < is a message from a component to the controller.


> ping

Broadcast message to scan the sim for components. Matching components (those with the same bank name) should reply to the sender via pong.


< pong

A component's reply to a controller's ping message, given that their bank names are a match.


> reset

Instruct the component to perform a complete script reset.


> channel [channel]

Instruct a component to switch to the given channel for all communication from this point forward.


> pair [force] [channel]

Request a component to pair up with the controller if the bank name matches. Components are expected to reply with a status message. If the force parameter is given and 1, components should pair to the controller even if they were already paired to another controller. If the channel parameter is given, components should additionally change to the specified channel.


> status
< status component-status controller-uuid [status-params...]

When send by the controller, this is a request for a status reply by all applicable components; that is, all components with the same bank.

If send by a component, this is a reply to a status or pair request. Informs about the general state of a component, which also indicates whether the component is paired to a controller or not. If paired, the controller UUID is provided, otherwise it will be the NULL key.

component-status can be either of the following (subject to change):

  • default: initial state; only basic initialization has been done
  • config: currently undergoing the configuration process
  • running: configuration complete, component is operational
  • error: not operational due to some error


> config [config-params...]

Instruct components to undergo configuration. Depending on the component, the config-params can differ, but will typically include information about the existing floors, so that button panels in the cab as well as on the floors can be set up accordingly.


< event event-name event-type [event-details...]

Informs the controller about an event. An event could be when an avatar has clicked on one of the floor buttons, when an elevator cab has arrived at its destination, when a doorway's doors have finished opening/ closing, etc.

The event-type informs about whether the event has just started, ended or is an event without duration (in which case event-type would be none).

(SUBJECT TO CHANGE) Possible events might include:

  • call [type] floor [dir]: A call button has been pressed for the given floor
  • move [type] from to: Cab has startet/finished moving from from to to
  • open [type]: Cab/doorway has started/finished opening its doors
  • close [type]: Cab/doorway has started/finished closing its doors
  • ???: User clicked the 'open doors' button
  • ???: User clicked the 'clsoe doors' button
  • ???: User clicked some other special button


> action [action-type] [action-parameters]

(SUBJECT TO CHANGE) Instructs a component to perform a certain action-type:

  • move z-pos [speed]: Request a cab to travel to the given z-position
  • halt: Request a cab to halt entirely (simulating power outage, for example)
  • open: Request a cab/ doorway to open its doors (or equivalent)
  • close: Request a cab/ doorway to close its doors (or equivalent)
  • mode [mode]: Request a component to switch to a specific mode of operation

Outstanding design decisions

Most importantly, I'm undecided if we should have 'smart' or 'dumb' components:

In the first case (smart components), the controller would simply forward most events that it learns about to the other components. Those could then decide upon whether and how to react to such an event. Example: a cab arriving on a floor sends an event to the controller, the controller forwards it to all other components. A call_button on that floor could then decide to stop indicating. Another example would be a cab opening its doors automatically on arrival on a floor, instead of waiting for a seperate instruction to do so. This could lead to "badly behaving" components if components don't react to certain events correctly - for example, if the system is emergency mode because of a fire, maybe cabs should keep their doors closed on affected floors. Essentially, this means that components need to have more knowledge of the state of the system; this "shared" state would need to be kept consistent across the controller and all components.

In the second case (dumb components), components will not do anything unless specifically instructed to do so by the controller. This means a lot more work, but also more fine-grained control for the controller. It also means a very clear separation of concerns and that the system's state would be held only in the controller. Components would not make any assumptions at all and only do precisely what they are asked to do. Performance-wise, it would keep the multiple comoponent scripts smaller, while the single controller script would be bigger. On the other hand, much more communication between components and controller will be needed, which could introduce lag.

The decision is important for the design of the event and action commands.

For now, I think I'd like to try and implement the dumb approach, as it keeps the state and responsibility for the system entirely within the controller. Should the complexity of this approach become overwhelming, I can scrap all progress on it, cry a little, then start working on the smart approach.

Things to look out for

There are multiple scenarios we need to think through that will probably require some scripting to make sure all is handled well. We'll collect these things here for now:

  • Can the cabs be linked to the rest of the build?
  • Would the scripting be the same for linked or unlinked cabs?
  • What happens when something gets linked/unlinked?
  • What happens when everything is taken to inventory and rezzed back?
  • What happens on owner change?
  • What happens when a component's description changes after setup?


If I ever get the Falcon working, I'd like to implement some kind of API that allows outside scripts to hook into the system. The general idea as of now is to have the controller listen for a subscribe message on another channel and add all objects that send such a message to a list of subscribers. Then, whenever something of relevance happens, the event can be forwarded to all subscribers. This would allow for people to create scripts for elevator system status panels, elevator engines, etc.