
A very simple work-in-progress Twitch bot written in C

Primary LanguageCCreative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


A very simple Twitch IRC bot written in C. Currently developed on an for Linux. This is mainly a fun project to practice my C skills. I don't plan to add many features.


Currently, all the bot has to offer are some hard-coded commands (for example !time). This means that if you wanted to change the output of those commands (and you most certainly do), then you'd have to dig into the source code.


  • libtwirc
  • inih (available in the Debian packages as libinih-dev)


The build script assumed that you have gcc installed. If you want to use a different compiler, please edit the build script accordingly.

  • chmod +x ./build
  • ./build
  • chmod +x bin/kaulmate

Set up

You can create multiple profiles for the bot, each with its own settings and login credentials. You are free to name the profiles whatever you want, but for the remainder of this guide, we will assume that we're going to create a profile called default.

  • In your config directory (usually ~/.config), create a kaulmate directory
  • In the newly created kaulmate directory, create a default directory
  • In the default directory, create two files, config.ini and login.ini


This file holds the general configuration. The two required fields are host and chan. Example:

host = irc.chat.twitch.tv
chan = #domsson


This file holds the required fields nick (Twich user name) and pass (OAuth2 token) for your bot. Example:

nick = kaulmate
pass = oauth:123456789abcdefghi


Start up kaulmate, specifying the profile you want to use:

  • bin/kaulmate default


kaulmate is free software, dedicated to the public domain. Do with it whatever you want, but don't hold me responsible for anything either. However, be aware that the libaries this project is using (see section Dependencies) might use a different license. If so, distribution of the executable binary of this project would be affected by such licenses. For that reason, I do not provide a binary, only the source code.