
Create and manipulate kloeckner BMEcat files without thinking about XML

Primary LanguageC


A wrapper on top of libxml2 that makes it easy to create, load, edit and write XML files as required by the kloeckner online shop's product importer.

kloeckner requires product files to use the BMEcat XML format, but only a subset of the format's features are being used. libcatner specifically supports the kloeckner flavor of BMEcat files. In other words, if you're looking for a general purpose, fully featured BMEcat library, this ain't it.

If, however, you want to write a tool that can deal with BMEcat files as required by the kloeckner online shop, then this library might come in handy.

Note, however, that this project is currently beign developed on and for Linux. I assume it could be compiled on Windows just fine, but I have no idea as to how one compiles C code on Windows. Feel free to report your attempts.


  • libxml2


One of these provided scripts should get the job done, accordingly:



On Debian, this is how I install the shared library after compilation:

cp ./lib/libcatner.h /usr/include/
cp ./lib/libcatner.so /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
ldconfig -v -n /usr/lib


I haven't made up my mind yet. Contact me if you want to use this commercially and I'm sure we can figure something out.

Also note that I've already written a CLI tool that can convert simple CSV files with product information into BMEcat files, ready for import. It sits in a private repository, but I wouldn't mind to open source it if someone wanted to sponsor the development time that went into it... :-)