
Testing app for find a stick

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Beta app is available on TestFlight. Email loonydom1@gmail.com for invite.

Find a Stick


Solve car sales for people searching for a manual car.


Car apps are not very good at knowing what you want. Unfortunately, most people in the market for buying a car have no clue what they want. Even if you filter .these car apps for “manual only”, you’ll still come to find 60% of the listings are in fact automatics. You’re better off filtering for “automatics”. Or try Find a Stick. Find a Stick is for people who know what they want, as the name suggests, they want a manual.


An app for car people. Manuals only. A simple app that doesn't overwhelm the seller with a thousand questions that don’t pertain to the person who will one day buy it. As the seller all you need to know is the make, model, year, how many miles and what you wanna sell it for. Whether it be a gated Murciélago or a ‘92 Tacoma, Find a Stick welcomes all, as long as it’s a manual.