makersBnB is a system for users to list and view spaces that can be booked for staying overnight.
Users can sign in/sign out and create listings for spaces. Users can view a list of their spaces.
Tech Stack
- Model/Controller: Sinatra, Ruby-standard-style, JavaScript, jQuery, HTML, CSS
- Database: PostGres, Active Records
- Testing: Rspec, Capybara
- Third-party: SendGrid
- git clone
- bundle install
- rake db:setup
- rake db:migrate
- rake db:seed
How to use?
User Stories
Listing a new space
As a user,
so that guests can view my space,
I need to be able to list a new space.
As a user,
so that my space is listed as mine,
I need to be able to sign up with username and email.
As a user,
so that I can have more than one space listed,
I need to be able to post multiple spaces and view these on my account.
Spaces have a name, description, price and available dates
As a user,
so that guests can see information about the space,
I need to be able to add descriptive information for the space: name, description and price.
## Users should be able to offer a range of dates where their space is available.
As a user,
so that guests can see if the space is available when they would like it,
I need to be able to add a range dates the space is available.
Booking and confirming spaces
As a user,
so that I can stay somewhere
I need to be request to hire a space
As a user,
so that a manage the renting of my properties
I need to be able to approve a booking
Confirmed bookings become unavailable to other users
As a user,
so that I am able to see what dates are available to book for a space,
Dates that are already booked should be shown as unavailable
Unconfirmed bookings remain available to other users
As a user,
until I have confirmed the booking,
the space should still be available to be booked
Other Links
App hosted on Heroku here Group Notion here
- DomTunstill
- ollyholly
- nateg101
- duncan9099
MIT © DomTunstill nateg101 duncan9099 ollyholly