
When Lisp and Vhdl have a son.

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp

Vhdl Lisp

The idea behind this program is to make it easier for lisp programmers to work with VHDL by creating a similar and easier syntax manipulating lisp list (sexpr).



Femto-Emacs https://github.com/FemtoEmacs/Femto-Emacs in case you need a editor with syntax-highlight

#What it can do

Take by example the following program writted in VHDL

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity Driver is
port(	x: in std_logic;
	F: out std_logic
end Driver;  
architecture behv1 of Driver is

        -- compare to truth table
        if (x='1') then
            F <= '1';
            F <= '0';
        end if;
    end process;

end behv1;

And here is the vhdlisp implementation

(library ieee)

(use ieee.std_logic_1164.all)

(define-entity Driver
         (x is in std_logic)
         (f is out std_logic))

(def-arch behv1 of driver
     (process (x)
          (if (= x 1 )
             (set f 1)
             (set f 0)) ))

Simple and beautifull

Here is the generated code
Is kind of messy but works
library ieee ;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

entity Driver is
  port( x:  in  std_logic ;
        f:  out  std_logic ); 
end Driver;

architecture behv1 of driver is
    if (x = 1) then
      f <= 1 ;
      f <= 0 ;
    end if;
  end process;
end behv1;

#How to use

In this version of vhdlisp we make .vhdl extension for you

I recommend when creating a file use the file name equal the entity of your program.

Main function now work with lists, that way, if you have a lot of vhdlisp code you can compile it at once.

&  sbcl --load vhdlisp.lisp
   (main "samples/driver.vlisp"")
   (main '("samples/driver.vlisp" "samples/xor.vlisp"))

&  sbcl --load vhdlisp.lisp
   ./vhdlisp "samples/driver.vlisp" 


  & sbcl --load vhdlisp.lisp
  * (vhdl-repl)
  * &- (library ieee) 
  -> library ieee;  
  &- (exit-repl) ;; this will exit from vhdl repl


I have a lot to do, but for now i'll keep my mind in some features missing and some bugs that may occur .

  • Fix bit numbers '1' and '0' (for now it is equal 1 and 0).
  • More example codes and a better documentation .
  • Add many more missing features .
  • Auto-ident (pretty ugly the identation now rigth? Sorry :[ ).
  • Oficial documentation.

#What i have added

  • REPL
  • Components.
  • Compile a list of vhdlisp files.
  • Changed some functions logic.
  • More vhdlisp sample codes o/ .
  • Port-map.

#What i'm working on

  • Variables.
  • Signal.

#Bugs and suggestions

Any bug report or suggestions can be send here