
CTFsub it's a program created for A/D CTF that manage the attack to teams integrating easly attack python files and submitting finded flags to gameserver

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A flag submitter and attacker for CTFs A/D

Archived having no support for the development! If you are interested in the project contact me me@domysh.com

CTFsub now have another face, and will be easy to use and comfortable. This new version of CTFsub is still in development, so it's not usable yet.

Some screenshots

Flag submit configuration

Teams' IPs configuration

Development in pause:


  • Improve the layout of the add attack page

  • Create front-end and back-end of addattack page

  • Change Settings: Add some limitations in init pages (block init/0 init/1 init/2)

  • Start to create the submitter and the attacker in the CTFsub-engine

  • Create the main page with a table showing how are going the attacks, number of flag accepted, etc...

Project by DomySh