
This repo is the preset used to AdonisJs team to manage and keep their config in sync.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

MRM preset Adonis

This repo is the preset used by AdonisJs team to manage and keep their config in sync. It contains a bunch of tasks, which can be used to scaffold a new project and also keep the config files in sync.

How it works?

All of the tasks exported by this package scaffolds new projects by creating required config files and also updates them (if required).

The updates are performed in a way so that your custom changes are preserved. Let's take an example of .gitignore file.

  1. Preset default .gitignore file.

  2. You make following changes inside it.

    + docs
  3. Preset decides to change the config file and add another directory to be ignored.

    + coverage
  4. The final .gitignore file will be.

    + docs
    + coverage


The preset must be installed from npm as follows.

npm i --save-dev @adonisjs/mrm-preset mrm

And then run tasks as follows

./node_modules/.bin/mrm --preset=@adonisjs/mrm-preset <TASK>

Better will be to create an npm script task.

  "scripts": {
    "mrm": "mrm --preset=@adonisjs/mrm-preset"


The config is picked from the config.json file inside the app root. Different tasks may rely optionally on different config values.


You can setup a new project from scratch by running the setup task. It will execute all other tasks for you.

npm run mrm setup

Sync or not to sync

MRM is not only a scaffolding tool, in-fact it makes it possible to keep config files in sync when something changes in the central preset repo. However, some files like README.md or CONTRIBUTING.md cannot be kept in sync because of their nature.

In case, you want to force update these files, make sure to pass --config:force when executing related tasks.


Gitignore (sync)

Adds/Updates .gitignore file to the project root with the following contents.


Editorconfig (sync)

Adds/Updates .editorconfig file to the project root with the following contents.

# http://editorconfig.org

indent_style = space
indent_size = 2
end_of_line = lf
charset = utf-8
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
insert_final_newline = true

insert_final_newline = ignore

indent_style = ignore
insert_final_newline = ignore

indent_style = tab

trim_trailing_whitespace = false

License file (sync)

Creates LICENSE.md file inside the project root. By default the contents is of MIT License, however you can define a different license type too inside config.json file

  "license": "MIT"

Contributing file (force sync)

Creates CONTRIBUTING.md file inside the project root. This file is not kept in sync and hence you are allowed to change it's content freely.

npm run mrm contributing

# force update
npm run mrm contributing -- --config:force

Readme file (force sync)

Creates a minimal README.md file inside the project root. Since each project has it's own unique readme, we do not sync this file.

Badges are also added for supported services like.

  • travis
  • coveralls
  • appveyor
  • npm license
npm run mrm readme

# force update
npm run mrm readme -- --config:force

Github templates (sync)

Github templates for issues and PR are created inside .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md and .github/PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE.md respectively.

npm run mrm github

Package.json file (sync)

Updates the package.json file all required scripts and config for the project. The package file structure and installed dependencies highly depends upon the values of ts and services inside the config.json file.

For Typescript project

The following dependencies are installed for a Typescript project.


and following scripts are added to package.json file

  "lint": "tslint --project tsconfig.json",
  "clean": "del dist",
  "compile": "npm run lint && npm run clean && tsc",
  "build": "npm run compile",
  "prepublishOnly": "npm run build"

For Javascript project

The following dependencies are installed for a Javascript project.


and following scripts are added to package.json file

  "lint": "standard"


When the services array has coveralls as a value, then following dependencies are installed, along with the following npm scripts.

  "coverage": "nyc report --reporter=text-lcov | coveralls",
  "posttest": "npm run coverage"

Common config

The following dependencies and scripts are shared across all project types.

  "test": "japa",
  "commit": "git-cz",
  "pretest": "npm run lint",  

Travis (sync)

Adds .travis.yml file to the project. It relies on the values of services and minNodeVersion inside the config file.

npm run mrm travis

Appveyor (sync)

Adds appveyor.yml file to the project. It relies on the values of services and minNodeVersion inside the config file.

Also appveyor is considered as a secondary CI and hence coverage is not reported from appveyor tests.

npm run mrm appveyor

TypeDoc (sync)

The typedoc task will add typedoc as a dev dependency, with bare miminum config and creates the docs at the build step.

This task will peform following actions.

  • Add typedoc.js file to the project root (if missing).
  • Update build script to build docs using typedoc command.
  • Add typedoc, typedoc-plugin-external-module-name and typedoc-plugin-single-line-tags dependencies.

Following is the default config file and you are free to override all values.

const defaultConfig = {
  out: 'docs',
  tsconfig: 'tsconfig.json',
  exclude: [
  excludeExternals: true,
  excludeNotExported: true,
  theme: 'default'

The typedoc.js file in your project will require @adonisjs/mrm-preset/_tyepdoc.js file and can optionally override options by passing an object.

module.exports = require('@adonisjs/mrm-preset/_typedoc.js')({
  out: 'api-docs'