
Some demo code to show a potential evolution from callbacks to promises

Primary LanguageJavaScript



  • What: a syntax for working with async JavaScript functions
  • Why: code readability/maintainability
    • mitigating callback hell
    • getting return values from async functions
    • useful when working with multiple async functions
  • It isn't necessarily choosing one or the other - often the decision has already been made by the library you're using, such as Knex
  • Metaphor: doing favours for someone, such as borrowing a book
  • Two aspects: creating and consuming
  • Important syntax points:
    • resolve == then and reject == catch
    • data flows from the return (or resolution) of one function to the parameters of the next function

Demo: From callbacks to promises

  1. Read the contents of one file
  2. Append the contents into a second file
  3. List the contents of the second file
  4. Run the script a few more times to show the increasing output

Code illustrations

  • 1-no-functions.js: an implementation of the demo without using any named functions. This is an illustration of callback hell.
  • 2-better-callbacks.js: an implementation that uses named functions to mitigate callback hell.
  • 3-promises.js: an implementation that uses Promises.
  • 4-async-await.js: an implementation that uses the async/await syntax.