
A Docker talk for the Junior Dev Meetup

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Junior Dev Meetup: Docker

  • What is Docker and why should I care about it?
    • Historically: dev !== staging !== production
    • Software, all of its dependencies and everything it needs to run
    • Shares kernel with host operating system (faster to start)
  • What are some of the Docker basics?
    • Images and containers
    • Pulling an image (docker pull OPIONS IMAGE)
    • Running a container (docker run OPIONS IMAGE)
    • Running detached (-d)
    • Exposing ports (-p HOST:CONTAINER)
    • Adding a volume (-v ./app:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro)
    • Deleting containers (docker rm CONTAINER) automatically (run --rm)
    • Create a simple Dockerfile
  • How do I set up a dev environment?
    • Bind volume mappings
    • docker-compose to simplify using Docker (docker-compose up)
  • Where should I go to learn more?