
Source code for paper <A Deep Learning Account of How Language Affects Thought>

A Deep Learning Account of How Language Affects Thought

[Original paper]

Environment setup

conda env create -f conda_envs/env.yml

Reproducing results

  • This command uses pre-computed intermediate results stored in resources_val_white/.
  • label_type should be set to finegrain or coarsegrain.
python main_eval.py -l <label_type> -f simclr -v v3.1.run12 -p True -gpu <num_gpu>

Reproducing results from scratch

  1. Download pre-trained SimCLR (i.e., unsupervised front end) model
gsutil -m cp -r \
  "gs://simclr-checkpoints-tf2/simclrv2/pretrained/r50_1x_sk0/" \
  • If you get AttributeError: module 'pyparsing' has no attribute 'downcaseTokens' from running the above code,
    see this issue for a workaround.
  • More info about SimCLR model can be found at the Official repo for SimCLR
  1. Prepare dataset for training (a full path to ImageNet-2012 should be set in TRAIN/utils/data_utils.py)
python data.py --model simclr
  1. Train the models
python main_train.py -l <label_type> -f simclr -v v3.1.run12 -r True -gpu <num_gpu>
  1. Evaluate trained models and plot results
python main_eval.py -l <label_type> -f simclr -v v3.1.run12 -s True -m True -p True -gpu <num_gpu>


    author = {Xiaoliang Luo and Nicholas J. Sexton and Bradley C. Love},
    title = {A deep learning account of how language affects thought},
    journal = {Language, Cognition and Neuroscience},
    volume = {38},
    number = {4},
    pages = {499-508},
    year  = {2023},
    publisher = {Routledge},
    doi = {10.1080/23273798.2021.2001023},