
Example code for http://don.github.io/slides/2017-09-23-makerfaire-bluetooth/#/1

Primary LanguageArduino

Sample Code for Maker Faire NY 2017 Presentation

Building Bluetooth Low Energy Devices with Arduino


Slides: http://don.github.io/slides/2017-09-23-makerfaire-bluetooth

For NeoPixel code see https://github.com/MakeBluetooth/ble-neopixel

The Web Bluetooth code works in Chrome on Android, Linux, Chromebook, and macOS. The Web Bluetooth code must be served over HTTPS, so the code is in docs directory and GitHub pages is used to serve the HTML, https://don.github.io/mfny2017-arduino-ble/neopixel.

Ionic versions of the mobile apps for LED, Thermometer, and NeoPixel are in https://github.com/don/ionic-ble-examples