
Hackaday Superconference Workshop - Building Wi-Fi Connected Devices with Arduino

Primary LanguageC++

Building Wi-Fi Connected Devices with Arduino

Hackaday Superconference Workshop - November 4, 2018

Arduino IDE

Install the Arduino IDE from https://arduino.cc/downloads

Arduino SAMD Board Definitions

Install the Arduino SAMD Board definitions. Use menu Tools -> Boards -> Boards Manager and search for "1010"

Arduino Libraries

Install the following Arduino Libraries using the Library manager. Menu Sketch -> Include Libraries -> Manage Libraries

* WiFiNINA library (search for "NINA")
* Joël Gähwiler's MQTT library (search for "lwmqtt")
* DHT sensor library by Adafruit (search for "DHT")
* Adafruit Unified Sensor library (search for "adafruit abstraction")


Fritzing Diagram

Suggested wiring instructions:

  1. Place the solderless breadboard with A1 on the bottom left.
  2. Plug the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 into the breadboard with the 5V pin in C30.
  3. Plug the DHT-22 into J1.
    • Use a red wire from the positive rail to F1
    • Put a 10,000 Ω resistor from the positive rail to F2.
    • Place a black wire from the negative rail to F4
    • Run a yellow wire from G2 to A18 which is pin 7 on the Arduino.
  4. Plug the LED into J9 and J10. Make sure the longer leg is in J10.
    • Run a 220 Ω resistor from the negative rail to F9
    • Run a blue wire from F10 to A17 which is pin 6 on the Arduino.
  5. Run a black wire from A27 to the negative rail
  6. Run a red wire from A28 to the positive rail


The slides are avaialble from https://don.github.io/slides/2018-11-04-superconf-iot-workshop