
Setup / Dependencies

Clone Repo

  • Make sure to also git submodule init and git submodule update to fetch the submodules. (Or do the clone recursively thing, can't remember the flag)
  • After cloning repo / submodules, make sure that each submodule is pointing to the right remote / branch:
    • cd npm/; git remote -v; git status; cd .. should show the remote is, and the branch is latest
    • cd arborist/; git remote -v; git status; cd .. should show the remote is, and the branch is main
    • If either of these are wrong, change remotes / checkout branches appropriately.

Native Setup

Setup Dependencies

  • You need to have installed:
    • node (I have v15.2.1)
    • any somewhat recent npm (the version really shouldn't matter)
    • Racket (I have Racket v8.4 [cs])

Installing My Custom Npm

Run all the following on a compute node if on discovery!

  • pushd arborist/; npm install; popd
  • pushd npm/; npm install -g; popd
  • pushd rosette/; raco pkg remove rosette; raco pkg install; popd
  • pushd z3/; python3 scripts/ --staticbin; cd build/; make -j12; popd
  • pushd version-oldness/; npm install; popd
  • pushd version-cve-badness/; npm install; popd
  • pushd RosetteSolver/; raco exe rosette-solver.rkt; popd
  • Find the location of the installed NPM binary, and symlink it to someplace in your PATH under the name minnpm. E.g.: ln -s $(which npm) ~/.local/bin/minnpm.
  • Then probably restart your terminal
  • From anywhere, run minnpm install --help. You should see --rosette listed as an option.

Docker Image Setup

Setup Dependencies

  • You need to have installed:
    • Docker (version should not matter)

Installing The Docker Image

  • pushd dockerfile/; ./ minnpm.Dockerfile; popd
  • Now, you will have the docker image installed as pacsolve:latest