
AARemu is a software tool enabling simulation of Augmented Reality by allowing an AR developer to record either an interactive 360 degree or a non-interactive free-form view of a location using the devices camera and orientation sensors (this functionality is provided by the ARemRecorder app). The ARCamera/ARCameraDevice classes which provides a mock implementation of the Android Camera API classes can then be used to preview the recorded scene instead of the live camera preview provided by the Android Camera class. The preview callback is analogous to the standard Camera preview callback except that the preview bytes provided in the callback are extracted from a file created by the recorder application. These preview bytes are passed to the development code via the same preview callback as provided by the standard Camera classes and can thus be processed by Computer Vision algorithms before being displayed by the client application. The frames are stored as individual video frames in RGBA format and not as video so the preview can be accessed in any direction. The tool is aimed at developers of mobile AR applications as it allows the developer to record view(s) of a given location and then debug and test the AR application in the comfort of a office or home without having to make extensive changes to the programming code.

Primary LanguageC++Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


  • 24-Jun-2020

    1. Converted C++ to CMake.
    2. Updated to Android Studio 4.0
  • 05-Jan-2017 - Version 2.1

    1. ARToolkit support.
    2. Optional 3-Up image stitching providing an averaging filter for rotational recordings. Stitching can be enabled in the rotational recording dialog.
    3. Support for off-device desktop post-processing of recordings. Image stitching (step 2 above) just about requires this as it is rather slow on an Android device. This also allows making multiple quick recordings on site with subsequent post-processing on a fast GPU enabled desktop later. The post-processor code is in the ARem/ARemRecorder/PostProcessor/ directory with Linux and Windows binaries in the dist sub-directory (note the Windows executable was created in a KVM virtual machine so it may not be linked with CUDA/OpenCL - the build.windows directory contains Visual Studio solutions to recompile with).

    Run postprocessor -h for instructions; a simple example which downloads a recording from the default location on the device (/sdcard/Documents/ARRecorder) to directory ~/myrecordings, performs post-processing and uploads the processed files back to the device:
    postprocessor -d ~/myrecording recording-name
    Note: Image stitching uses some OpenCV features not available in the OpenCV 3.1 release still used by most Linux distributions therefore a sample OpenCV build script to checkout and build the latest OpenCV and OpenCV Contrib from the git repository is also included in the directory (OpenCV 3.2 has recently been released so it may include the necessary updates). 4. Lots of bug fixes.

  • 08-Jul-2016 - Updated to version 2 which is close to being a complete rewrite.

  • Project name changed from ARem to AARemu (Android Augmented Reality Emulator) to prevent any confusion between this project and Augmented Reality Environment Modeling which shares the acronym.


AARemu is a software tool enabling simulation of Augmented Reality by allowing an AR developer to record either an interactive 360 degree view or a non-interactive free form view of a location using the devices camera and orientation/location sensors (this functionality is provided by the ARemRecorder app). For developers wanting to process the raw sensor data instead of using the provided 'cooked' orientation data , it is also possible to record raw sensor data for orientation sensors such as the Rotation Vector, Accelerometer, Linear Accelerometer, Gravity and Magnetic

The ARCamera and ARCameraDevice.class which provides a mock of the Android Camera and Camera2 classes respectively can then be used to preview the recorded scene instead of the live camera preview provided by the Android Camera class. The preview callbacks are analogous to the standard Camera preview callback except that the preview bytes provided in the callback are extracted from a file created by the recorder application. In the 360 degree interactive version the frame displayed is based on the current bearing returned by the (live) orientation sensor(s). These preview bytes are passed to the development code via the same preview callback as provided by the standard Camera/Camera2 classes and can thus be processed by Computer Vision algorithms before being displayed by the client application. The frames are stored as individual video frames in RGBA format and not as video so the preview can be accessed in both clockwise and anti-clockwise directions.


AARemu comprises the following components (or modules in Android Studio parlance)


Description and Usage

Used to record an interactive 360 degree view or a free form non-interactive view at a given location (binary available on Google Play).

The recorder displays the camera output in full screen mode with a interface drawer on the left border of the display which can be dragged out. To start recording drag the drawer out and click either the 360 degree alt tag or the free form alt tag recording button. At start of recording the user is asked to provide several parameters which are described below.

Recording Name: The name is used to create a directory using /sdcard/Documents/ARRecorder as a base. If a recording by the name provided already exists then the user is prompted as to whether to overwrite or not.

The resolution can be selected in a spinner which provides all of the resolutions supported by the device.

For 360 recordings the recording increment specifies the bearing increment between which frames are saved, however the value may be overridden by the post-processing step if there are too many errors for the specified increment (eg saving every 1 degree could be incremented to 1.5).

The Rotation sensor specifies which orientation sensor fusion method to use for calculating the device orientation and bearing for interactive mode or cooked orientation data for free recordings. The sensor fusion code is based on work done by Alexander Pacha for his Masters thesis (see Credits below), although the vanilla Rotation Vector provided by Android which used a Kalman filter can also be used (in some cases it may provide better results due to manufacturers knowledge of idiosyncrasies of the hardware sensors used). The vanilla rotation vector is also the default sensor.

Max Size specifies the maximum size the recording can grow to (suffixed by 'G' for gigabytes, 'M' for megabytes or 'K' for kilobytes - no suffix means bytes).

Record Sensor a a multi-select spinner which may be used to select raw orientation sensors to record data for.

The debug checkbox is mostly used when developing the recording application and results in intermediate files not being deleted on recording completion.

The Flash On checkbox specifies switching the camera flash on in flashlight mode for recording in the dark (only visible if the device supports a flash).

The Camera2 API specifies using the new Camera2 API.

Issues, Caveats and Recommendations

The two main issues for the 360 degree recording process are the stability of the compass bearing sensors and ensuring that the frame that gets saved for a given bearing is the correct frame for that bearing. Keeping the device at a constant vertical angle and rotating slowly and smoothly is thus important for accurate interactive recordings.

The recorder uses a postprocessing step to attempt to minimize errors by filtering bad frames. On some occasions there may still be a discontinuity between the start and end frame which may be addressed in a future version by finding features in the first frame and then trying to match them in the final one. In the meantime The DisplayFrames app allows the insertion of single frames to overwrite the problematic ones.

If the bearings seem suspect before starting recording then it may improve if the sensors are "calibrated" by waving the device in a figure of eight as seen in this video. OTOH this may be an old wives tale, YMMV. If the bearings suddenly deviate by a large amount during the recording then it may be best to cancel the recording (press the recording button again) and start again.


Description and Usage

This module provides the ARCamera and ARCamera2 mock classes as well as supporting classes and is thus the primary module to be used by AR applications wishing to emulate an AR environment. In addition to the Camera API methods, ARCamera also provides supplementary API methods specific to playing back recordings such as setting the recording files. The render mode can also be set to dirty where frames are previewed only when the bearing changes, or continuous where the preview continuously receives frames. In the latter case the frame rate specified in the Camera.Parameters returned by ARCamera.getParameters is respected. When creating applications it is possible to emulate the C/C++ preprocessor #ifdef statements in Java by using the Just in Time (JIT) feature of the Java runtime to optimise out unused code (unfortunately unlike for C, it does not reduce code size, just speed): static final boolean EMULATION = true; if (EMULATION)    cameraEm.startPreview(); else    camera.startPreview();
In the code above the unused branch will be optimised out.

If mocking is not required then it is also possible to directly control the emulation using as both camera classes implement the ARCameraInterface interface which bypasses the mocking resulting in code that is easier to read. The JIT feature mentioned above can then be used to choose emulation or live code.

The ARSEnsorManager class mocks the Android SensorManager class and provides replay access to recorded raw orientation sensor data.


Provides various classes shared across different modules such as the orientation fusion implementation and various OpenGL and math helper classes.


This is a sample application which can be used to play back a recording made with ARemRecorder. It also makes use of the ARemu review supplementary API which allows 360 degree playback without having to move the device. Will also be available on Google Play.


This is another sample application which can also be used to play back a recording made with ARemRecorder but provides an option to set a start degree and single step forwards or backwards through the frames. As mentioned previously, it can also be used to overwrite problematic frames.


Provides an implementation of a CameraBridgeViewBase OpenCV4Android camera preview UI view class which uses ARCamera instead of the Android Camera class. This could have been included in ARemu, however this would have resulted in a dependency on OpenCV for ARem.


Provides a sample using the CameraBridgeViewBase derived OpenCV4Android camera preview UI view class implemented in AROpenCVemu.


OpenCV4Android as used by the OpenCV modules.


readerwriterqueue - A fast single-producer, single-consumer lock-free queue for C++ (Github) is used in both the JNI Android code and the desktop C++ ARemu implementation. Simplified BSD License.

filesystem - A tiny self-contained path manipulation library for C++ (Github) is used for file path manipulation in the desktop C++ ARemu implementation. BSD license.

portable_endian.h - Provides endian conversion functions on Windows, Linux, *BSD, and Mac OS X. (Github Gist).

ADraweLayout which is used to provide a sliding drawer UI is copyright DoubleTwist and is licensed under the Apache license. See their Github site.

MultiSpinner (https://android-arsenal.com/details/1/1839) provides a multi-select spinner (MIT license).

Much of the sensor code is based on work done by Alexander Pacha for his Masters thesis. The fused Gyroscope/Accelerometer/Magnet sensor is based on code by Kaleb Kircher (See his blog).