
gentooget is a replacement download script for Gentoo Linux portage which acts as a facade for the aria2 downloader (http://aria2.sourceforge.net/) to enable simultaneous multi-part downloads from different Gentoo mirrors thus improving download speed. It also provides a facility to switch between 2 different (probably ADSL) Internet connections. This is desirable in dumbassed countries where you pay per Gb for ADSL and the costs for local only are a order of magnitude cheaper than international access. This allows use of a local connection where possible but if a download fails where the file is not available on a local mirror then gentooget switches to the international connection, downloads the file and then switches back to the local connection.

Primary LanguagePython

gentooget 0.2

gentooget is a replacement download script for Gentoo Linux portage which acts as a facade for the
aria2 downloader (http://aria2.sourceforge.net/) to enable simultaneous multi-part downloads from
different Gentoo mirrors thus improving download speed.
It also provides a facility to switch between 2 different (probably ADSL) Internet connections. This
is desirable in dumbassed countries where you pay per Gb for ADSL and the costs for local only
are a order of magnitude cheaper than international access. This allows use of a local connection
where possible but if a download fails where the file is not available on a local mirror then
gentooget switches to the international connection, downloads the file and then switches back to the
local connection.

gentooget [-h --help] [-v --version] [-V --verbose] [-D --debug] [-T --true] [-c --continue]  [-u --url=]
          [-d directory=] [-f --file=] [-a --aria=] [-l --local=] [-i --international=]
     -T --true           : Always return success even if a download fails.
     -h --help           : Display help.
     -c --continue       : Continue download (if not specified then existing file will be overwritten)
                           Specify this in the RESUMECOMMAND variable in make.conf
     -w --downman        : Attempt to use Downman if the package is not found anywhere else.
     -u --url=           : The url of the file to be downloaded. This should be passed as ${URI}
                           in the FETCHCOMMAND and RESUMECOMMAND variables in the make.conf file.
     -d directory=       : The destination directory to download the file to.
     -f --file=          : The name of the destination file (full path is specified by -d and -f).
     -a --aria=          : Path to the aria2 binary if it is not in the PATH.
     -l --local=         : Path to a script or executable that switches to a local Internet
     -i --international= : Path to a script or executable that switches to a international
                           Internet  connection.
     -I --interface=     : The interface being switched by --local/--international (defaults to ppp0)
                           If it is not ppp0 then it must be specified otherwise gentooget cannot
                           check to see if the interface is up before continuing download.

Enviroment Variables
GENTOO_MIRRORS        : Contains a list of urls of mirrors for Gentoo portage dist locations
                        separated by a space. This is a Portage standard variable and is used if
                        local and international is not specified in the command line.
Example: GENTOO_MIRRORS="http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/gentoo/ ftp://ftp.is.co.za//mirror/ftp.gentoo.org"

LOCAL_MIRRORS         : Contains a list of urls of local mirrors for Gentoo portage dist locations
Example: LOCAL_MIRRORS="ftp://ftp.is.co.za//mirror/ftp.gentoo.org ftp://ftp.up.ac.za/mirrors/gentoo.org/gentoo"

INTERNATIONAL_MIRRORS : Contains a list of urls of international mirrors for Gentoo portage dist locations
Example: INTERNATIONAL_MIRRORS="http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/gentoo/ ftp://mirrors.rit.edu/gentoo/"

INTERNAL_MIRRORS      : Contains a list of urls of internal network urls to distfiles directories
Internal mirrors are currently assumed to be on a different interface eg eth1 as opposed to ppp0
therefore no connection switching is applied before internal fetches.

May contain the GENTOO_MIRRORS, LOCAL_MIRRORS and INTERNATIONAL_MIRRORS variables (see Enviroment Variables)
GENTOO_MIRRORS="http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/gentoo/ ftp://ftp.is.co.za//mirror/ftp.gentoo.org"
LOCAL_MIRRORS="ftp://ftp.is.co.za//mirror/ftp.gentoo.org ftp://ftp.up.ac.za/mirrors/gentoo.org/gentoo"
INTERNATIONAL_MIRRORS="http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/gentoo/ ftp://mirrors.rit.edu/gentoo/"

This is the Portage make.conf file. It should include the GENTOO_MIRRORS variable and optionally
the LOCAL_MIRRORS and INTERNATIONAL_MIRRORS variables if local/international access is used and these
are not specified as environment variables or in ~/GENTOO_MIRRORS.
Additionally the FETCHCOMMAND and RESUMECOMMAND variables must be changed to use gentooget.

Example make.conf (only showing entries pertinent to gentooget)
FETCHCOMMAND="/usr/bin/gentooget.py -V -D -d '${DISTDIR}' -f '${FILE}' -u '${URI}'"
RESUMECOMMAND="/usr/bin/gentooget.py -V -D -c -d '${DISTDIR}' -f '${FILE}' -u '${URI}'"
GENTOO_MIRRORS="ftp://ftp.is.co.za//mirror/ftp.gentoo.org ftp://ftp.up.ac.za/mirrors/gentoo.org/gentoo http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/gentoo/"

Example make.conf using local/international switching
FETCHCOMMAND="/usr/bin/gentooget.py -V -D -d '${DISTDIR}' -f '${FILE}' -u '${URI}' -l /etc/ppp/local -i /etc/ppp/shaped"
RESUMECOMMAND="/usr/bin/gentooget.py -V -D -c -d '${DISTDIR}' -f '${FILE}' -u '${URI}' -l /etc/ppp/local -i /etc/ppp/shaped"
GENTOO_MIRRORS="ftp://ftp.is.co.za//mirror/ftp.gentoo.org ftp://ftp.up.ac.za/mirrors/gentoo.org/gentoo http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/gentoo/"
LOCAL_MIRRORS="ftp://ftp.is.co.za//mirror/ftp.gentoo.org ftp://ftp.up.ac.za/mirrors/gentoo.org/gentoo"
INTERNATIONAL_MIRRORS="http://ftp.heanet.ie/pub/gentoo/ ftp://mirrors.rit.edu/gentoo/"
(assumes the scripts /etc/ppp/local.sh and  /etc/ppp/international.sh switch to local and international
Internet connections)

Emerge will call gentooget as user portage so if using local/international switching with ADSL the script
that does the switching will probably have to use sudo at least when stopping and starting PPPOE eg
sudo pppoe-start /etc/ppp/pppoe.conf.local. In this case user portage will need to be a real user ie
not have /bin/false for its shell in /etc/passwd and user portage will need to be added to group
wheel (/etc/group) if you use group based sudo in /etc/sudoers. For example
/etc/passwd:  portage:x:250:250:portage:/var/tmp/portage:/bin/bash
/etc/group:   wheel:x:10:root,portage
/etc/sudoers: %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL