Pinned Repositories
An Android online Blackjack game with Leaderboard
It's the senior design project I did in University of Detroit Mercy from 2017 to 2018, based on Pioneer3-DX robot platform with Kinect2, Hokuyo. This project conclude some open-spurce algorithm I found in github contains SLAM-gmapping, pocketsphinx and so on. Thanks for the providers! The robot contain basic mapping and navigation functions, with addtional model in simulation software, voice control and voie feedback, set tarket with coordinate and so on. Finally, thanks for my teamates, Hao Lan, Yuchen Luo, Diwen Miao and Wuxin Shen. I roughly upload the whole workspace and I think you will be clear with how it work if you are already familar with ROS. And if not, maybe it is a good idea for you to check the catkin_ws/src/hunter/lacunh first. And I will add more description in README. I know it is not so clear, if youn need help ,feel free to contact with me, my email is!
An online books renting system built with python, Django Full-Stack Framework. Can be easily changed to other marketing system site.
A calender site bulit with PHP, MySQL and Java Script
An Android online chat App based on Firebase online realtime database, can find the users near by based on GPS localization information. After add them to contacts you are free to chat!
t's the code I've write during I took the courese of CSE417 in WashU, instructer is Sammy Das.
WUSTL's CSE511 course homework, include implementation graph search alogorithms(BFS, DFS, UCS, A*) , minimax, alpha-beta, expectimax search and evaluation function abd enforce learning on Pacman.
An event recommendation web built with Java, MySql/MongoDB and Javascript, get data from Ticket Master Api
A Front-End project to show the hot shooting points of NBA players to help analysis.
A simple file sharing site with PHP, without database, use local space to store.
donaldmyshen's Repositories
It's the senior design project I did in University of Detroit Mercy from 2017 to 2018, based on Pioneer3-DX robot platform with Kinect2, Hokuyo. This project conclude some open-spurce algorithm I found in github contains SLAM-gmapping, pocketsphinx and so on. Thanks for the providers! The robot contain basic mapping and navigation functions, with addtional model in simulation software, voice control and voie feedback, set tarket with coordinate and so on. Finally, thanks for my teamates, Hao Lan, Yuchen Luo, Diwen Miao and Wuxin Shen. I roughly upload the whole workspace and I think you will be clear with how it work if you are already familar with ROS. And if not, maybe it is a good idea for you to check the catkin_ws/src/hunter/lacunh first. And I will add more description in README. I know it is not so clear, if youn need help ,feel free to contact with me, my email is!
An online books renting system built with python, Django Full-Stack Framework. Can be easily changed to other marketing system site.
A Front-End project to show the hot shooting points of NBA players to help analysis.
An Android online chat App based on Firebase online realtime database, can find the users near by based on GPS localization information. After add them to contacts you are free to chat!
An Android online Blackjack game with Leaderboard
WUSTL's CSE511 course homework, include implementation graph search alogorithms(BFS, DFS, UCS, A*) , minimax, alpha-beta, expectimax search and evaluation function abd enforce learning on Pacman.
A calender site bulit with PHP, MySQL and Java Script
t's the code I've write during I took the courese of CSE417 in WashU, instructer is Sammy Das.
A simple file sharing site with PHP, without database, use local space to store.
A basic calorie calculator Android App, developed with Kotlin.
An event recommendation web built with Java, MySql/MongoDB and Javascript, get data from Ticket Master Api
Contains all the coding homework and tests of CSE247, Data Structure and Augorithms, Fall 2018, in Wahington University in St. Louis. Tests and some other parts such as studios are provided by Dr. Jeremy Buhler and Dr. Ron Cytron. The course web is What you may be interested in is in the document nemed "labs".
Two little calculators, one by php and one by JavaScript
It's the WUSTL CSE438' assignment. A playlist android app, using the API to query for music data.
A simple story sharing site developed with php and MySql.