
Enable pasting image in markdown mode for emacs. Only in windows.

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Enable pasting image in markdown mode for emacs. Only in windows.

Just put this in emacs load path and:

(require 'markdown-paste-image)
;; to use 'C-c v' to invoke pasting, uncomment next line;
;; (markdown-paste-image-keyset) 

If you use use-package:

(use-package markdown-paste-image

Powershell is used to save clipboard to file, you may have to Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted to allow it to run script.

When file name is not given, (format-time-string "%s") is used as file name.

./img folder is used to save the image files by default. It can be configured with clipboard-to-image-prefix.