
  • - Java entry-point file
  • - processes input file:
    • Loads input URL/file
    • Iterates through the list of image file URLs
    • Parses each file name & determines resolution from file name (or - optionally - by loading each image file)
    • Saves image file names, by resolution, in a map
    • Provides print method to allow report of resolution frequencies to be output

To Run:

  • cd /bin
  • -f thumbnails-test.txt (parses local test file)
  • -u (loads list of image files from the web)

(Program has been tested using Java JRE v 1.8)

I was a bit concerned that, if you dont have the correct JDK/JRE installed, you might have trouble setting this up & running the test, so I also created a simple web service & installed it on AWS.

To install/run the web service locally, you can do the following: (you'll need to have Apache Maven build tool installed)

  • Start the web service -- cd java then mvn jetty:run (runs a local server at port #8000)
  • Start the AngularJS client web app -- cd angular then ./

To test the web app installed on AWS: