
Listing of SwiftUI resources that strictly target MacOS applications


Listing of SwiftUI resources that target MacOS applications

SwiftUI is an amazing framework from Apple for easier application programming. The majority of code examples out there are targeted for iOS. SwiftUI works just as well on MacOS, but it's frustrating to search the Internet for MacOS examples only to find they were coded specifically for iOS.

This repo contains links to source code examples for SwiftUI apps for the Mac. Some examples may target multiple platforms, but if they don't include MacOS, you won't find them here.

In addition, most examples were quickly written just after Apple announced SwiftUI, so they contain deprecated APIs from the beta releases. The table below will try to list those as well.


Name Target Description
Landmarks Big Sur Apple Developer tutorial to create a SwiftUI app for Mac (runs on Big Sur)
DarkModeSwitcher Simple app for overriding light mode per app on macOS
DarkModeSwitcher Catalina Port of DarkModeSwitcher updated to MacOS 10.15
SwiftUIStaggeredNote Catalina Example app of using StaggeredList in SwiftUI
XCodeCleaner-SwiftUI Catalina App that cleans Xcode library files, removing unwanted and deprecated files
SwiftSnakeEngine Catalina YOU vs AI, in the classic snake game!
SwiftUIMac Catalina Project for article at describing how to create a SwiftUI app for Mac
MovieSwiftUI Application that uses the MovieDB API, article that describes the design
RedditOS Big Sur Reddit client for Mac OS
Animal Crossing Browser Animal Crossing companion app for Mac
Reddit Client Catalina Another Reddit client for MacOS
SwiftUI-mac-11 Big Sur SwiftUI project for Mac Big Sur
rDio Big Sur rDio Mac project
messages Big Sur Multiplatform Messages app for macOS, iOS, iPadOS in SwiftUI
todo Big Sur Todo macOS app
mail Big Sur Example Mail app
eul Catalina macOS status monitoring app
Health Big Sur Health app
Native Youtube Monterey Native Youtube app
Native Twitch Monterey Native Twitch app
Native Twitch Chat Monterey Native Twitch Chat app
Better Weather Monterey Un-offcial macOS weather app
MovieDB Catalina SwiftUI MovieDB prototype app built with Xcode 11 Beta
SwiftUICharts Big Sur A charts / plotting library for SwiftUI