Getting Started:

  1. Get the project and navigate to the project directory
  2. $ npm install will install all of the dev requirments via npm
  3. $ gulp will open a test server and auto refresh after changes to /src/** as well as run .js and .css through a lint and write the results to console


This is a project for the Udactiy Front End Nanodegree.


  1. How do i not reveal the client_secret when the app is client side only atm?
  2. Places Autocomplete runs but is not displaying suggestions I found a thread with a similar issue but in a bootstrap modal I have tried several of the suggested solutions but nothing has worked so far not sure what I am missing.
  3. Part of the map is pushed off the page when in fullscreen desktop. I have not been able to figure out if this is an issue with mdl or how I am declaring the map properties in css

Useful resources