
A rust repo kickstarter template using pre-commit, Github Actions, Dependabot and Commitizen

Primary LanguageRust

Rust Project Template 🦀

This Rust Project Template is designed to provide a comprehensive starting point for Rust-based projects. It integrates several tools and practices to ensure code quality, consistency, and security from the outset.


  • Pre-Commit with Commitizen: Enforces conventional commit messages ensuring a clean and readable commit history.
  • Rustfmt and Clippy: Ensures code is formatted according to Rust's standards and checks for common mistakes and improvements.
  • CI with GitHub Actions: Automates building, testing, and auditing dependencies on every push or pull request.
  • Dependabot Configuration: Keeps crate dependencies and GitHub Actions up-to-date with automated pull requests.

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository: Start by cloning this template to your local machine or use it to initialize your GitHub repository.
git clone https://github.com/donbignose/rust-project-template.git
  1. Install Dependencies: Make sure you have Rust and Cargo installed. You can download them from rust-lang.org.

  2. Configure Pre-Commit Hooks: This template uses pre-commit hooks managed by the pre-commit tool. Install it following the instructions here and set up the hooks with:

pre-commit install


  • Developing: Write your Rust code in the src/main.rs file or create new modules as needed.
  • Committing Changes: Use Commitizen for commit messages. Run git cz instead of git commit.
  • Testing and Linting: Run tests, format your code, and lint it using the pre-commit hooks automatically or manually with cargo test, cargo fmt, and cargo clippy.
  • GitHub Actions: The .github/workflows/ci.yml file contains the CI configuration. It runs on every push and pull request to main branch.


  • Commitizen: Customize commit types, scopes, etc., in the .cz.toml file.
  • GitHub Actions: Modify the CI workflow in .github/workflows/ci.yml as per your project's requirements.
  • Dependabot: Adjust the frequency and package-ecosystem in the .github/dependabot.yml.


Contributions to this Rust Project Template are welcome. Please ensure that your code adheres to the existing style and that all tests pass.