
graph implementation in vue.js

Primary LanguageVue

Vue Graph Template


The Template is a Vue.js app which uses ngraph.graph a Library which implements an API to modify graph structure and supports event-driven notifications when graph changes.

The main component of the template is App.vue.

Youtube example available:

LINK : https://ngraph-youtube.herokuapp.com

REPO: https://github.com/donc310/vue-graph-youtube

Amazon example available:

LINK : https://ngraph-amazon.herokuapp.com/#?q=books

REPO: https://github.com/donc310/vue-graph-amazon


  1. Clone this Repo

  2. install dependencies using npm install

  3. Create an App.vue file in in src/components/app which will be the entry point of your app

  4. Import EventBus from src/component/util/event.js

  5. then either build or serve your app using

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve


Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

Events and props

<graph-component :fileName="fileName" 
<!-- other template stuff goes here -->



type: String

default: json

The type of client which the app should use. Possible values: json or youtube


type: String

default: data

Name of the Json File if client is json


type: String

default: "api/v1/graphdata"

The Url path


Events are emitted from the GraphView.vue component using An EventBus.

An EventBus is a mode of transportation for one component to pass props from one component to another

no matter where those components are located in the tree. To Listen to changes from the Main component you should

#1 import EventBus into your component using

import EventBus from "@/lib/util/event";

#2 Listen to events on your Mounted Hook

mounted() {
   EventBus.$on("CORE::NODE_SELECTED", selected_node => {});
   EventBus.$on("CORE::NODES_UPDATE", NODES => {});


Fired before the graph is initiated


emits: { Node }

Fired when a node is clicked.


emits: {Nodes}

Fired when the nodes change


Fired before the graph is disposed.