Landing page project

Table of contents

  • Description
  • Running instructions
  • Technology used in this project
  • Author's information
  • Criedits


his project apply the dynamic technology and demo the reative web page. There are 4 sections in this page. Building the navigation menu by JavaScript according to the section number. Major purpose for this project:

  • Manipulating the DOM exercise.
  • Exercise programmatically builds navigation,
  • scrolls to anchors from navigation,
  • and highlights section in viewport upon scrolling.

Running instructions

open index.html as homepage CSS file in the css folder, and JavaScript code in the js folder

Technology used in this project

  • HTML5, CSS, JavsScript ES6
  • JS Version: ES2015/ES6

Author's information

Chung-Tao Chen 2021/12/7


Thanks to all Mentors' help