
The game itself was supposed to be a Space Invaders clone entirely conceived and developed with SVG and Javascript.

Primary LanguageJava


Alien Siege is a multi-platform and cross-browser game that explores minimalistic design and resolution independent gameplay. Its design is sleek and utilises landscape and portrait responsive formatting so it is compatible on any device. It uses a compact JSON representation of the game animation, which is rendered using SVG, HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript. It is published and distributed in the following formats:

  1. Browser game - http://aliensiege.apps.publicgamelibrary.com/html5/index.html

  2. Web app - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/alien-siege/iabpmmbbmlbmjhkfciiabeahnmijpnog

  3. Android APK file (including Java wrapper with Admob Banner and Interstitial Ads and Google Analytics Integration) - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.publicgamelibrary.aliensiege.

  4. Firefox packaged app (hosted version is also available) https://marketplace.firefox.com/app/alien-siege-1

  5. Swf raw output http://aliensiege.apps.publicgamelibrary.com/flash/alien-siege.swf

Well documented source files are provided for each one of the formats.

The game itself was supposed to be a Space Invaders clone entirely conceived and developed with Canvas and CSS3. The technical challenge was also to recreate a smooth Flash experience using only HTML5, CSS3 and Javascript without the need of any web plugins. Than I thought I should try a modern and organised approach in game architecture and push the boundaries and come up with a fresh and innovative game design rather than something retro - there is more than enough of blocky and pixelated 8 bit clones. I decided to replace Canvas with SVG although I knew this will seriously impact the memory requirements of the game, but I felt this was the best way to create resolution independent vector graphics game. Certainly I was fully aware that SVGs aren’t necessarily the best solution in all situations.