
Authentication for Azure Active Directory

Primary LanguagePHP

Minimal Azure Active Directory Authentication

This application is a tiny one, meant to get access token from Azure Active Directory.

Set Up Application

Step 1: Go to the root directory

cd <path-to-root-of-app>

Step 2: Run composer.install


Step 3: Create .env file in the root and put in the following content:

CLIENT_ID=2e...erx // Insert Client ID of your registered app on Azure
CLIENT_SECRET=Zkm....de=  // Insert Client Secret of your registered app on Azure
TENANT_ID=4736...ju  // Insert Tenant Id from Azure
AZ_USERNAME=o..com // Insert Azure username
AZ_PASSWORD=******* //Insert Azure password

Important Note Please DO NOT upload the .env file to your repository or production environment

Step 4: Run the command below to encrypt the .env file. This produces 2 files .env.enc and .env.key


Step 5: Move files .env.enc and .env.key to public/ directory

Step 6: Add the following to .gitignore
