

Primary LanguageTypeScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0



A gribusiness solution

Development Guide


Technology used

  • This Product will be built with Angular

Pull Requests


  • A PR template is provided in other to introduce upgrades please ensure you follow the check lists defined in this template.
  • To create any branch please checkout of develop branch and name your branch apropriately as defined below.
  • All PRs must be opened against the develop branch however. Please request for review of your code from all contributors and once they approve you can merge in the branch and delete
  • All commit message must follow the predefined structure. see below for details. please ensure you follow this guide or your PR may not be merged.

Creating Branches

  • The following structure defines the how the branches will be created on this project We are using Git Flow Please ensure you have this installed on your local machine. If you dont please get it here Get Git Flow
  • To start a new Feature run git flow feature start <nameofbranch>
  • When done and want to merge with your local version of develop run git flow feature finish feature_branch
  • When you want to create a release that will be merged to with master at a later date, that is when a stable branch has being reached. only documentations and/or bug fixes can go into the release branch. No major updates can be accommodated run git flow release start <branchNumber> where branch number format is 0.1.{release branch}
  • To merge release with master run git checkout master
  • Patch production with a quick fix git flow hotfix start <branch>
  • To merge hotfix run git flow hotfix finish <branch>

Below is a summary description of the processes described above please consult this documentation before creating branches

Action Command
Start a new feature git flow feature start
When done and want to merge with your local version of develop git flow feature finish feature_branch
When you want to create a release git flow release start
To merge release with master git checkout master
Patch production with a quick fix git flow hotfix start
To merge hotfix git flow hotfix finish

Commit Structure

The commit message must follow the predifined structure. 
Must be reported as a continous sentence in the following stucture as if its an answer to the statement > This commit will ..
Each commit message must be structured such as it answers the folowing questions 
   What is the purpose of the commit ? 
   What is the relationship between this commit and the previous version of the branch ? 
   What is the status of the job done on this commit  
 Purpose Of Commit + Relationship with previous version +~+ + status
 Example of a commit Message
 git commit -m Provide access to userprovided endpoints to complement the exisiting structure ~ ongoing

Comment Structure

file structure

All files with similar functionality  must be housed  in the same workspace and a `.readme` provided that describes the following 
     Purpose of the workspace
     Short description of each files and its structure 
     How it ties in to the overall project 
All files must be preceeded with the following comment structure
     /** @file `description` **/  

Function Defination

All functions must be defined with a preceeding comment 
/** @method <description> @param{type} <name ></name><description> @return {type} Desciption**/ 
    All param must be documented 
    The use of <any> is strongly discouraged
    All methods must have a test implementation to it

Constants and Variables

For variables that will not change it is recommended they be defined as `const` and for those that will `let` will do 
* All constants must be defined with all caps 

Code readability