MVPMatch Maze API


  • Setup PostgreSQL database (version 12 and above).
  • Create a new database with a name of your choosing.
  • Generate RSA key pair (2048 bit), needed for JWT signing and verification.
  • Run npm install to install all dependencies.
  • Create a .env file in the root of the project .
  • Add a variable name of the database connection string, e.g. DATABASE_URL="postgresql://[user[:password]@][netloc][:port][/dbname][?param1=value1&...]" to the .env file.
  • Add variable AUTH_PRIVATE_KEY= "< RSA private key >" to the .env file.
  • Add variable AUTH_PUBLIC_KEY= "< RSA public key >" to the .env file.
  • (Optional) Add variable ``PORT=< port number> to listen on your chosen port number.
  • Run npx prisma db push to push schema to the database, (Also use this command to push changes in the schema to the database).


  • Run Unit Tests with npm run test

Postman Collection file

  • Postman collection file MVPMatchMazeVercel.postman_collection.json is included in the root of the project