ATH Móvil Payment Button - Javascript Integration and Services


ATH Móvil's Javascript integration provides a simple, secure and fast checkout experience to customers paying on your website. After integrating our Payment Button on your website, you will be able to receive instant payments from more than a million ATH Móvil users.


Before you begin, please review the following prerequisites:

  • An active ATH Móvil Business account is required to continue. Note: To sign up, download "ATH Móvil Business"x on the App Store if you have an iOS device or on the Play Store if you have an Android device.

  • Your ATH Móvil Business account needs to have a registered, verified and active ATH® card.

  • Have the public and private API keys of your Business account at hand. Note: You can view your API keys on the settings section of the ATH Móvil Business application for iOS or Android.

If you need help signing up, adding a card or have any other question please refer to or contact our support team at (787) 773-5466.


Before getting started you will need to add references to both jQuery and ATH Móvil's javascript on your project's HTML checkout file.

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


  • ATH Móvil's javascript must be referenced at the bottom of the document since some variables need to be previously initialized.
  • jQuery can be referenced on any location. Local versions can also be used. Version 3.3.1 or higher is required.


To integrate ATH Móvil’s Payment Button on your website follow these steps:


Add the “Pay with ATH Móvil” button to your checkout view.

  <div id="ATHMovil_Checkout_Button"></div>
  • Button width is set to fill its parent.
  • Button height is proportional to the width.


Configure the payment values using the javascript script below on your checkout view.

<script type="text/javascript">

    ATHM_Checkout = {

        env: 'sandbox',
        publicToken: 'sandboxtoken01875617264',

        timeout: 600,

        theme: 'btn',
        lang: 'en',

        total: 1.00,
        tax: 1.00,
        subtotal: 1.00,

        metadata1: 'metadata1 test',
        metadata2: 'metadata2 test',

        items: [
                "name":"First Item",
                "description":"This is a description.",
                "metadata":"metadata test"
                "name":"Second Item",
                "description":"This is another description.",
                "metadata":"metadata test"
  • Details:
Variable Data Type Required Values Description
env String Yes sandbox or production Determines the environment to be used for the payment. Use sandbox for simulated payment responses or production for real payments.
publicToken String Yes Business account public token. Determines the Business account where the payment will be sent to.
timeout Number No Number between 120 and 600. Expires the payment process if the payment hasn't been completed by the user after the provided amount of time (in seconds). Countdown starts immediately after the user presses the Payment Button. Default value is set to 600 seconds (10 mins).
theme String Yes btn, btn-dark or btn-light. Determines the colors of the “Pay with ATH Móvil” button that is displayed on your view.
lang String Yes en for english or es for spanish. Determines the language of the “Pay with ATH Móvil” button and the payment process.
total Number Yes From 1.00 to 1500.00. Total amount to be paid by the end user.
tax Number No Optional variable to display the payment tax (if applicable).
subtotal Number No Optional variable to display the payment subtotal (if applicable).
metadata1 String No Optional variable to attach key-value data to the payment object.
metadata2 String No Optional variable to attach key-value data to the payment object.
items Array Yes Optional variable to display the items that the user is purchasing on ATH Móvil's payment screen. metadata and tax are required but they can be set as null.
  • theme:
Theme Example
btn alt text
btn-light alt text
btn-dark alt text
  • lang:
Languages Example
en alt text
es alt text

Handle all payment responses.

  • Completed
 onCompletedPayment: function (response)
				 //Handle response
  • Cancelled
onCancelledPayment: function (response)
				//Handle response
  • Expired
onExpiredPayment: function (response)
				//Handle response
  • response data
  "referenceNumber": "a387643827-fdew98ffw9fbfewkjb",
  "total": 1.00,
  "tax": 1.00,
  "subtotal": 1.00,
  "metadata1": "metadata1 test",
  "metadata2": "metadata2 test",
  "items": "[{\"name\":\"First Item\",\"description\":\"This is a description.\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"price\":\"1.00\",\"tax\":\"1.00\",\"metadata\":\"metadata test\"},{\"name\":\"Second Item\",\"description\":\"This is another  description.\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"price\":\"1.00\",\"tax\":\"1.00\",\"metadata\":\"metadata test\"}]"


To test ATH Móvil’s Payment Button on your website follow these steps:

  • Set the env variable to the value sandbox.

  • Set the publicToken variable to the value sandboxtoken01875617264.

  • Open the payment process.

  • Use any username and password to log in.

  • Complete, cancel or wait for the payment to expire to test all possible responses.


The following services can be used to verify the status of a transaction, perform refunds and request a list of all the payments received in a given time frame.

Transaction Status

  • Method: POST
  • Headers: Content-Type - application/json Endpoint:
  • Body Example:
    "publicToken": "hdb932832klnasKJGDW90291",
    "privateToken": "JHEFEWP2048FNDFLKJWB2",
    "referenceNumber": "a387643827-fdew98ffw9fbfewkjb"
  • Reponse Example:
    "status": "completed",
    "referenceNumber": "212831546-402894d56b240610016b2e6c78a6003a",
    "date": "2019-06-06 16:12:02.0",
    "refundedAmount": "0.00",
    "total": "1.00",
    "tax": "1.00",
    "subtotal": "1.00",
    "metadata1": "metadata1 test",
    "metadata2": "metadata2 test",
    "items": "[{\"name\":\"First Item\",\"description\":\"This is a description.\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"price\":\"1.00\",\"tax\":\"1.00\",\"metadata\":\"metadata test\"},{\"name\":\"Second Item\",\"description\":\"This is another description.\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"price\":\"1.00\",\"tax\":\"1.00\",\"metadata\":\"metadata test\"}]"


  • Method: POST
  • Headers: Content-Type - application/json
  • Endpoint:
  • Body Example:
    "publicToken": "hdb932832klnasKJGDW90291",
    "privateToken": "JHEFEWP2048FNDFLKJWB2",
    "referenceNumber": "387643827-fdew98ffw9fbfewkjb"
  • Response Example:
  "refundStatus": "completed",
  "referenceNumber": "212831546-402894d56b240610016b2e6c78a6003a",
  "date": "2019-06-06 16:12:02.0",
  "refundedAmount": "0.00",
  "total": "1.00",
  "tax": "1.00",
  "subtotal": "1.00",
  "metadata1": "metadata1 test",
  "metadata2": "metadata2 test",
  "items": "[{\"name\":\"First Item\",\"description\":\"This is a description.\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"price\":\"1.00\",\"tax\":\"1.00\",\"metadata\":\"metadata test\"},{\"name\":\"Second Item\",\"description\":\"This is another description.\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"price\":\"1.00\",\"tax\":\"1.00\",\"metadata\":\"metadata test\"}]"


  • Method: GET
  • Headers: Content-Type - application/json
  • Endpoint:
  • Body Example:
    "publicToken": "hdb932832klnasKJGDW90291",
    "privateToken": "JHEFEWP2048FNDFLKJWB2",
    "fromDate": "2019-01-01 16:12:02.0",
    "toDate":"2019-06-06 16:12:02.0"
  • Response Example:
      "transactionType": "refund",
      "referenceNumber": "212831546-7638e92vjhsbjbsdkjqbjkbqdq",
      "date": "2019-06-06 17:12:02.0",
      "refundedAmount": "1.00",
      "total": "1.00",
      "tax": "1.00",
      "subtotal": "1.00",
      "metadata1": "metadata1 test",
      "metadata2": "metadata2 test",
      "items": "[{\"name\":\"First Item\",\"description\":\"This is a description.\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"price\":\"1.00\",\"tax\":\"1.00\",\"metadata\":\"metadata test\"},{\"name\":\"Second Item\",\"description\":\"This is another description.\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"price\":\"1.00\",\"tax\":\"1.00\",\"metadata\":\"metadata test\"}]"
      "transactionType": "payment",
      "status": "completed",
      "referenceNumber": "212831546-402894d56b240610016b2e6c78a6003a",
      "date": "2019-06-06 16:12:02.0",
      "refundedAmount": "0.00",
      "total": "1.00",
      "tax": "1.00",
      "subtotal": "1.00",
      "metadata1": metadata1 test,
      "metadata2": metadata2 test,
      "items": "[{\"name\":\"First Item\",\"description\":\"This is a description.\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"price\":\"1.00\",\"tax\":\"1.00\",\"metadata\":\"metadata test\"},{\"name\":\"Second Item\",\"description\":\"This is another description.\",\"quantity\":\"1\",\"price\":\"1.00\",\"tax\":\"1.00\",\"metadata\":\"metadata test\"}]"

Errors Codes

Error Code Description
3010 publicToken is invalid
3020 publicToken is revoked
3030 publicToken is required
3040 privateToken is invalid
3050 privateToken is revoked
3060 privateToken is required
3070 tokens are from different accounts
4010 referenceNumber is required
5010 transaction does not exist
5020 transaction is from another business
7010 transaction already refunded
7020 amount is invalid
7030 amount is required
7040 error completing refund

User Experience

alt text


API Terms of Service

You have the option of using the API code described herein, free of charge, which will allow you to integrate the ATH Móvil Business service (the “Service”) as a method of payment in your webpages or applications. In order to use the API, you must (1) be registered in the Service and (2) comply with the Service’s terms and conditions of use and with the API documentation (as made available to you herein). You hereby acknowledge that any use, reproduction or distribution of the API or API documentation, or any derivatives or portions thereof, constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions, including all other sections within the API documentation. The API documentation may not be modified. No title to the intellectual property in the API or API documentation is transferred to you under these terms and conditions. Your use of the API or the API documentation, whether through a developer or otherwise, is made with the understanding that neither your financial institution nor Evertec will provide you with any technical support, customer support or maintenance in relation to the use of the API. You may discontinue the use of the API at any time. In the event that you are assisted by a developer, you understand and acknowledge that you will be solely responsible for your developer’s compliance with the terms and conditions of the Service, these terms and conditions, and the rest of the API documentation.

Disclaimer of Warranty

You hereby understand and acknowledge that the API is provided “AS IS” and that your use of the API is completely voluntary and at your own risk. Both Evertec and your financial institution disclaim all warranties and make no representations of any kind, whether express or implied, as to (1) the merchantability or fitness of the API for any particular purpose; (2) the APIs performance or availability; (3) the APIs condition of titled; or (4) that the APIs use or process derived or produced therefrom will not infringe any patent, copyright or other third parties. You agree that in no event shall Evertec or your financial institution be liable for any direct, indirect, special, consequential or accidental damages or loss (including, but not limited to, loss of anticipated profits or data, or other commercial damage), however arising, or any kind with relation to the API and its use or inability to use with the Service.