
Measurements project

Primary LanguageJava


This project is a web-based application for managing sensor data using various Spring technologies such as Spring Boot, Spring Data JPA, and Spring I/O Validation. The system allows users to register new sensors, add new measurements from the sensors, view all measurements, and calculate the number of rainy days.

Technologies Used

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Data JPA
  • Spring I/O Validation
  • MySQL
  • Jackson

Getting Started


  • Java 8 or higher
  • MySQL Server


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone https://github.com/doneskkk/measurements.git
  2. Configure the MySQL database:

    • Create a new database with the name "rest_api_3"
    • Update the database connection settings in the application.properties file
  3. Build and run the application:

    ./mvnw spring-boot:run
  4. Access the application:



Sensors endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoints Description
POST /api/v1/sensors/registration Register a new sensor

Measurements endpoints

HTTP Method Endpoints Description
POST /api/v1/measurements/add Adding new measurement
GET /api/v1/measurements Get all measurements
GET /api/v1/measurements/rainyDaysCount Get the number of rainy days

Registering a new sensor

Users can register new sensors by providing the sensor name

Adding new measurement

Users can add new measurements from sensors by providing the sensor name , field isRaining , and measurement value.

Get all measurements

Users can view all measurements in the system.

Get the number of rainy days

The system can calculate the number of rainy days based on the measurements taken by sensors.


  • Dones Chiril (@doneskkk)