
OpenSource Cannabis Dataset for ML and Precision Ag Projects related to hemp and cannabis.

Primary LanguagePython

Thank you Central State University Precision Ag for letting us use your grow rooms and hemp plants!

Redbull also is very dear to our hearts but sadly we are unsponsered :(

youtube tutorial https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43b2YoLb2Io

Hello and Welcome."Whatever you do in life wont matter but its important you do it anyway" Ghandi apparently. Basically this is the starting point for making an opensource database for cannabis and hemp growing research. If you are trying to go through thousands of plants and images or are just trying to plan a greenhouse project this is where you should start. Basically I created a csv file as a base that anyone can add to. I am also encouraging anyone to upload pictures along with them. You can think of the CSV file as a grow journal. Currently writting this between classes and work, so I plan on adding features daily at discreation. The Goal is to have Open Source Prediction Tools for Plant Proccesing with A.I. in mind.

You will need the lastest version of Anaconda. you will need unity 2019.2.5f1 from the unity hub arcive. you will need Visual Studio 2017 and 2019.

Pc is the only build enviroment supported at the moment. but can be deployed to the following:

Linux: CentOS 7 (RedHat Enterprise Linux)
Linux: Ubuntu 12.04, 14.04, and 16.04
Linux: Raspbian "Jessie"
Mac OSX 10.11 and macOS 10.12+
Windows 10
Cloud9 IDE

you will need to pip install the following though it is included in the unity projects. just save your breath and have it installed first.

Python (tested with versions 2.7, 3.6, and 3.7)
    cv2 (a.k.a. OpenCV; some functions require 3.0+, we recommend 3.3+. We install it via the PyPI package opencv-python)
    matplotlib (requires at least 1.5, works with 2+)
    numpy (requires at least 1.11)
    pytest (only used for running tests)

Optional but recommended

conda (Anaconda or Miniconda)
spyder IDE
Rider IDE

then you will need to do the following


To install from PyPI run the following in any type of virtual environment, as an administrator, or add the --user flag if needed.

pip install plantcv


To install using conda first install Anaconda or Miniconda if you have not already. If needed, add the following channels to your conda configuration.

conda config --add channels bioconda conda config --add channels conda-forge conda config --add channels defaults conda config --set channel_priority strict

Then create an environment and install PlantCV.

conda create -n plantcv plantcv

Or install PlantCV in your current environment.

conda install plantcv

Fellow Developers and not script kitties see here for Advanced documentation on the dependency. They are an amazing team. https://plantcv.readthedocs.io/en/stable/installation/

Next you will need to go to the following links and install IronPython and ironclad. its so we can use certain DLL files and pyd files. https://ironpython.net/download/ https://code.google.com/archive/p/ironclad/

Currently the Unity Project is still a work in progress, but their is a python interactive dashboard file that can read all the arduino data. I also uploaded the dataset i created in hopes people will add too it in real time. after all this is done, navigate and open the unity hub. Open the unity project and Bam edit and deploy to your hearts content.