Rid-kit is a python package for enhanced sampling via RiD(Reinforced Dynamics) method.
1, Install python and tensorflow (version<=1.15)
2, Install tensorflow's C++ interface The tensorflow's C++ interface will be compiled from the source code, can be found here.
3, Install plumed2.5.2
tar -xvzf plumed-2.5.2.tgz
cp DeePFE.cpp plumed-2.5.2/src/bias
CXXFLAGS="-std=gnu++11 -I $tf_path/include/" LDFLAGS=" -L$tf_path/lib -ltensorflow_framework -ltensorflow_cc -Wl,-rpath,$tf_path/lib/" ./configure --prefix=/software/plumed252 CC=mpicc CXX=mpicxx
Set the bashrc
source /software/plumed-2.5.2/sourceme.sh
export PLUMED2_HOME=/software/plumed252
export PLUMED_KERNEL=/home/dongdong/software/plumed252/lib/libplumedKernel.so
4, Install gromacs 2019.2
tar -xzvf gromacs-2019.2.tar.gz
cd gromacs-2019.2
plumed patch -p
mkdir build
cd build
make -j 4
make install
Set the bashrc
source /software/GMX20192plumed/bin/GMXRC.bash
5, Install dpdispatcher
git clone https://github.com/deepmodeling/dpdispatcher.git
cd dpdispatcher
python setup.py install
dpdispatcher is a tool for job submitting.
Now you have all dependence of RiD (Gromacs, Tensorflow and a conda environment).
cd rit-kit
python setup.py install
Open python, try import rid
Installation finishs successfully if you get no error.
We offer a simple but complete example in rid-kit/examples
cd examples
python main.py rid.json -c cv.json -s machine.json -i ./mol -o ./test_examples
To begin with, you should offer a rid parameters file(rid.json), a CV file(cv.json), a machine configuration file(machine.json) and a folder(mol/) containing initial conformation files in detail, and the number of conformation files should be equal to the number of walkers for parallel.
All these files are presented in examples
folder where the users can adjust the parameter as their will.
The process of running will be recorded in (work_path)/recoord.txt
in which its iteration index and task index will be written after finishing every task. If you want to rerun the process and make sure that a record file exists in the work path, the program will restart from the next one of the end of the record(just use the same command to resatrt). If a task was restarted, but a working folder (which this task should generate) has already existed, this existed folder will be backed off as folder_name.bk00
. That is, you can restart the process at any individual task node through modifying the recording file.
However, if there is NOT a record file in the working path, the whole process will restrat at the very beginning. The old one will become a back-up folder as old_folder.bk000
In this version, the user can choose the dihedral angles as CVs. rid-kit will remove the dihedral angles of the end of the proteins automatically. In the CV file(cv.json
), the user can write the index of the selected residues, the two dihedral angle (
Plumed will output all selected angles in every md process, the user can find them in work_path/iter.0000xx/00.enhcMD/00x/plm.out
, file angle.rad.out
in the same path is a copy but removing the frame index.
We will add more features for users to select more different (and customed) CVs.
RiD will run in iterations. Every iteration contains tasks below:
- Biased MD;
- Restrained MD;
- Training neuro network.
Just like Metadynamics, RiD will sample based on a bias potential given by NN models. A uncertainty indicator will direct the process of adding bias potential.
This procedure will calculate mean force based on the sampling results, which can generate data set for training.
A fully connected NN will be trained via sampling data. This network will generate a map from selected CV to free energy.
A more detail description of RiD is published now, please see:
J. Chem. Phys. 148, 124113 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5019675
Two necessary json files are required to get start a RiD procedure.
- rid.json for configuration of simulation.
- cv.json for specifying CV.
General setting
Parameters | Type | Description | Default/Example |
gmx_prep | str | Gromacs preparation command | gmx grompp -maxwarn 1 |
gmx_run | str | Gromacs md run command | gmx mdrun -ntmpi 1 |
init_graph | list&str | initial graph files list | [] |
numb_iter | int | number of iterations | 3 |
numb_walkers | int | number of walkers | 2 |
bf_traj_stride | int | brute force trajectory stride | 500 |
Setting for biased MD
Parameters | Type | Description | Default/Example |
bias_trust_lvl_1 | int | trust upper lecel | 2 |
bias_trust_lvl_2 | int | trust lower level | 3 |
bias_nsteps | int | total number of steps of biased MD | 20000 |
bias_frame_freq | int | frame frequency for recording | 20 |
sel_threshold | float/int | initial threshold for selection | 2 |
cluster_threshold | float | * | 1.5 |
num_of_cluster_threshhold | int | minimum of cluster number | 8 |
max_sel | int | maximum of selection of clusters | 30 |
bias_dt | float | time interval of biased MD | 0.002 |
bias_temperature | float/int | temperature for biased MD | 320 |
Setting for restrained MD
Parameters | Type | Description | Default/Example |
res_nsteps | int | total number of steps of restrained MD | 25000 |
res_frame_freq | int | frame frequency for recording | 50 |
res_dt | float | time interval of restrained MD | 0.002 |
res_temperature | int | temperature for restrained MD | 320 |
res_kappa | float/int | force constant for restraining CV | 500 |
res_traj_stride | int | brute force trajectory stride | 500 |
res_ang_stride | int | step stride of angle | 5 |
res_prt_file | str | file name | plm.res.out |
init_numb_cluster_upper | int | upper limit of cluster selection | 26 |
init_numb_cluster_lower | int | lower limit of cluster selection | 16 |
conf_start | int | the index of the first conformation selected | 0 |
conf_every | int | the stride of conformation selection | 1 |
Setting for training and neuro network
Parameters | Type | Description | Default/Example |
numb_model | int | number of nn models | 4 |
neurons | list&int | number of nodes for each layer | [256, 128, 64, 32] |
resnet | bool | whether to use Resnet | True |
batch_size | int | batch size | 128 |
numb_epoches | int | total number of epochs for every training | 2000 |
starter_lr | float | initial learning rate | 0.0008 |
decay_steps | int | decay steps of lr | 120 |
decay_rate | float | decay rate of lr | 0.96 |
res_iter | int | after this iteration, old data will be reduced | 13 |
res_numb_epoches | int | restrat setting | 2000 |
res_starter_lr | float | restrat setting | 0.0008 |
res_olddata_ratio | int/float | restrat setting | 7 |
res_decay_steps | int | restrat setting | 120 |
res_decay_rate | float | restrat setting | 0.96 |