
An R package for functional enrichment analysis

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# If the following error occurs:
# Error in utils::download.file(url, path, method = method, quiet = quiet,  : 
#   download from 'https://api.github.com/repos/Asa12138/ReporterScore/tarball/HEAD' failed
# options(timeout = 600)


The input should be a data.frame or tibble with four columns, as follows:

data("example_data", package = "MetaboRich")
> dplyr::as_tibble(example_data)
# A tibble: 168 × 4
   id      logfc     pvalue   qvalue
   <chr>   <dbl>      <dbl>    <dbl>
 1 C00082  1.76  0.00000289 0.000599
 2 C12512 -2.50  0.0000323  0.00334 
 3 C16300 -1.71  0.000215   0.0148  
 4 C04886  0.807 0.000438   0.0187  
 5 C00486  0.807 0.000450   0.0187  
 6 C01996  0.623 0.000623   0.0215  
 7 C03413  0.622 0.00126    0.0291  
 8 C00366 -0.256 0.00198    0.0357  
 9 C01019 -0.811 0.00198    0.0357  
10 C16618 -0.599 0.00207    0.0357  
# ℹ 158 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows


There are two main types of built-in data that you can retrieve through data()

data("metabolitesList", package = "MetaboRich")
names(metabolitesList) # "hmdb" "ramp"
data("setsList", package = "MetaboRich")
# [1] "kegg_pathway"       "smpdb_pathway"      "hmdb_disease"       "markerdb_condition" "classyfire"       
# [6] "reactome_pathway"   "wiki_pathway" 


MetabolitesList contains metabolite information from two databases, HMDB and RaMP. These databases are organized into the form of tibble, called metabolites_tibble, as follows:

> metabolitesList$hmdb
# A tibble: 217,920 × 23
   hmdb_id     name   formula    mw monoisotop_mass smiles inchi inchikey foodb_id kegg_id chemspider_id chebi_id
   <chr>       <chr>  <chr>   <dbl>           <dbl> <chr>  <chr> <chr>    <chr>    <chr>   <chr>         <chr>   
 1 HMDB0000001 1-MetC7H11N169.            169.  CN1C=InChBRMWTNUFDB0935C01152  83153         50599   
 2 HMDB0000002 1,3-DC3H10N2  74.1            74.1 NCCCN  InChXFNJVJPFDB0052C00986  415           15725   
 3 HMDB0000005 2-KetC4H6O3  102.            102.  CCC(=InChTYEYBOSFDB0303C00109  57            30831   
 4 HMDB0000008 2-HydC4H8O3  104.            104.  CC[C@InChAFENDNXFDB0218C05984  389701        50613   
 5 HMDB0000010 2-MetC19H24300.            300.  [H][CInChWHEUWNKFDB0218C05299  389515        1189    
 6 HMDB0000011 3-HydC4H8O3  104.            104.  C[C@@InChWHBMMWSFDB0218C01089  83181         17066   
 7 HMDB0000012 DeoxyC9H12N228.            228.  OC[C@InChMXHRCPNFDB0218C00526  13118         16450   
 8 HMDB0000014 DeoxyC9H13N227.            227.  NC1=NInChCKTSBUTFDB0218C00881  13117         15698   
 9 HMDB0000015 CorteC21H30346.            346.  [H][CInChWHBHBVVFDB0218C05488  389582        28324   
10 HMDB0000016 DeoxyC21H30330.            330.  [H][CInChZESRJSPFDB0064C03205  5932          16973   
# ℹ 217,910 more rows
# ℹ 11 more variables: drugbank_id <chr>, phenol_explorer_compound_id <chr>, wikipedia_id <chr>,
#   knapsack_id <chr>, bigg_id <chr>, metlin_id <chr>, vmh_id <chr>, cas_id <chr>, synonyms <list>,
#   iupac_name <chr>, traditional_iupac <chr>
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Metabolites_tibble can also be arranged by users, which contains three columns of main information databasename1_id, name, and databasename2_id to be used for id conversion of function id_mapping.


Several metabolite sets/function sets are currently collected in setsList. The common pathway sets are kegg_pathway, smpdb_pathway, reactome_pathway and wiki_pathway. Disease set: hmdb_disease, markerdb_condition; Structure classification set: classyfire.

> setsList$kegg_pathway
# A tibble: 289 × 5
   id       name                                        type                         metabolites metabolites_name
   <chr>    <chr>                                       <chr>                        <list>      <list>          
 1 hsa00010 Glycolysis / Gluconeogenesis                Metabolism; Carbohydrate me<chr [31]>  <chr [31]>      
 2 hsa00020 Citrate cycle (TCA cycle)                   Metabolism; Carbohydrate me<chr [20]>  <chr [20]>      
 3 hsa00030 Pentose phosphate pathway                   Metabolism; Carbohydrate me<chr [37]>  <chr [37]>      
 4 hsa00040 Pentose and glucuronate interconversions    Metabolism; Carbohydrate me<chr [59]>  <chr [59]>      
 5 hsa00051 Fructose and mannose metabolism             Metabolism; Carbohydrate me<chr [55]>  <chr [55]>      
 6 hsa00052 Galactose metabolism                        Metabolism; Carbohydrate me<chr [46]>  <chr [46]>      
 7 hsa00053 Ascorbate and aldarate metabolism           Metabolism; Carbohydrate me<chr [57]>  <chr [57]>      
 8 hsa00500 Starch and sucrose metabolism               Metabolism; Carbohydrate me<chr [37]>  <chr [37]>      
 9 hsa00520 Amino sugar and nucleotide sugar metabolism Metabolism; Carbohydrate me<chr [118]> <chr [118]>     
10 hsa00620 Pyruvate metabolism                         Metabolism; Carbohydrate me<chr [32]>  <chr [32]>      
# ℹ 279 more rows
# ℹ Use `print(n = ...)` to see more rows

Users can also imitate the above examples to build their own metabolite sets.

Enrichment analysis function

The R package contains three enrichment functions, ORA, KSTEST, and GRSA.

enrichmentRes_ora <- ora(input = example_data, enrich_tibble = setsList$kegg_pathway, enrich_type = "all", N_type = "database", adjust = "fdr", thread = 2)
enrichmentRes_kstest <- kstest(input = example_data, enrich_tibble = setsList$kegg_pathway, adjust = "fdr", thread = 2)
enrichmentRes_grsa <- grsa(input = example_data, enrich_tibble = setsList$kegg_pathway, adjust = "fdr", thread = 2)

The results of enrichment are presented in the form of tibble

> library(magrittr)
> enrichmentRes_ora %>% dplyr::filter(pvalue < 0.05) %>% dplyr::arrange(pvalue)
# A tibble: 10 × 9
   id       name                                    type            set inset insetIDs direaction  pvalue  qvalue
   <chr>    <chr>                                   <chr>         <int> <int> <chr>         <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>
 1 hsa04974 Protein digestion and absorption        Organismal S47     6 C00082;…      0.515 2.48e-5 0.00716
 2 hsa05230 Central carbon metabolism in cancer     Human Diseas37     5 C00082;…      0.611 9.48e-5 0.0137 
 3 hsa00970 Aminoacyl-tRNA biosynthesis             Genetic Info52     5 C00082;…      0.451 4.89e-4 0.0471 
 4 hsa04917 Prolactin signaling pathway             Organismal S11     2 C00082;…      1     8.43e-3 0.609  
 5 hsa00470 D-Amino acid metabolism                 Metabolism; …    69     4 C00739;…      0     1.17e-2 0.674  
 6 hsa04976 Bile secretion                          Organismal S174     6 C00486;…      0.654 2.36e-2 1      
 7 hsa00360 Phenylalanine metabolism                Metabolism; …    49     3 C00082;…      0.841 2.49e-2 1      
 8 hsa04080 Neuroactive ligand-receptor interaction Environmenta53     3 C01996;…      0.690 3.06e-2 1      
 9 hsa00220 Arginine biosynthesis                   Metabolism; …    23     2 C00049;…      0     3.52e-2 1      
10 hsa00983 Drug metabolism - other enzymes         Metabolism; …    63     3 C16618;…      0     4.74e-2 1      

If the id of the metabolite in enrich_tibble is different from the id of the input, an error can occur, so you may first do an id_mapping to make sure that the id of the input is the same as that in enrich_tibble.

example_data <- id_mapping(input = example_data, from = "kegg_id", to = "hmdb_id", metabolites_tibble = metabolitesList$hmdb)

Results plot

Bubble diagram

plot_enrichmentRes(enrichmentRes = enrichmentRes_ora, plot_type = 1)


plot_enrichmentRes(enrichmentRes = enrichmentRes_ora, plot_type = 2)


plot_enrichmentRes(enrichmentRes = enrichmentRes_ora, plot_type = 3)


Methods comparison network

plot_compareRes(enrichmentResList = list(ora = enrichmentRes_ora, kstest = enrichmentRes_kstest, grsa = enrichmentRes_grsa), plot_type = 1)


plot_compareRes(enrichmentResList = list(ora = enrichmentRes_ora, kstest = enrichmentRes_kstest, grsa = enrichmentRes_grsa), plot_type = 2)
