
a global localization system with object detection in semantic map

Primary LanguagePython

Global Localization Using Object Detection with Semantic Map


Global localization is a key problem in autonomous robot. We use semantic map and object detection to do the global localization with MLE method.


  • Jetpack=3.3
  • TensorFlow=1.9.0
  • Opencv
  • Matplotlib
  • PIL
  • ROS Kinetic


  • Jetson TX2
  • Lidar
  • USB camera
  • Autonomous robot
  • Odometry by encoder or IMU


  • In ROS system, if we use move_base package, we need to input an 2D initial pose by hand:
  • Therefore, we want to calculate the initial pose automatically.

How to Run

Object Detection Model

  • train an object detection model using tensorflow
  • export the frozen model, and put it into frozen_model folder
  • put the whole package into a ROS workspace

Semantic Map

  • we build a semantic map with Gmapping and object detection.
  • the backgroud is the grid map, and the points in the map represent the object position.

ROS prepration

Before initial pose, you need to run the following node in ROS

  • map server to output a map
  • robot control: publish the cmd_vel and subscribe Odometry
  • Lidar like Hokuyo, output the scan data

Global Localization

  • Run python initial_pose.py in scripts folder.
  • subscribe scan, imu/data topic, and need a USB camera
  • publish cmd/vel to rotation, webcam_image, and the final initialpose

Other function

  • camera_save.py: simple script to save the camera image
  • visilize.py: an example script to test the frozen model with a video
  • send_goal.cpp: we also provide a function which can send the navigation goal through voice recognition. Here we use the baidu package: https://github.com/DinnerHowe/baidu_speech
  • center path: you need to alter the grid_path.cpp and input your own path in global planner package of navation stack.