QuizzMeApp is a group project with SCRUM methodology, it consists of a question and answer application which allows you to create your own quizzes, it allows you to play the quizzes of other users. It has rankings of best scores, membership which allows you to play without limits and create quizzes without limits. Likewise, it allows user validation so that any company or person can create their quizzes and people can know that they really created them. The application has animations, music composed by a member of the team especially for the application, push notifications, payment methods, third-party authentication, and more ...
export const REACT_APP_API = (your ngrok tunnel url);
export const FIREBASE_API_KEY = (secret variable)
export const FIREBASE_AUTH_DOMAIN = (secret variable)
export const FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID = (secret variable)
export const FIREBASE_STORAGE_BUCKET = (secret variable)
export const FIREBASE_MESSAGING_SENDER_ID = (secret variable)
export const FIREBASE_APP_ID = (secret variable)
export const CLIENT_ID = (secret variable)
export const FACEBOOK_APP_ID = (secret variable)