Flask Web Microframework

Running the Application

These instructions and scripts have been tested on macOS (aka Mac OS X) and Linux with Python installed.

Manually with Python

With pyenv to manage python versions, and virtualenv to isolate your packages, you can optionally create a project area.

# Optional Setup w/ PyEnv + VirtualEnv
VERSION=$(cat .python-version)
pyenv install $VERSION
pyenv virtualenv $VERSION 'flask-test'
pyenv activate 'flask-test'
# Install Required Packages
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Run Server
./app.py &
# Manually Test
curl -i localhost:5000/
curl -i localhost:5000/hello/Simon

Using Docker Compose

# Start containerized service on Docker
docker-compose up -d
# Determine Guest is native Docker, Docker-Machine or Docker-Desktop
[ -z ${DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME} ] || WEBSERVER=$(docker-machine ip ${DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME})
# Manually Test
curl -i $WEBSERVER:5000/
curl -i $WEBSERVER:5000/hello/Simon

Using Docker on Vagrant/Virtualbox

# Start containerized service on Vagrant/Virtualbox guest
vagrant up
# Manually Test
curl -i localhost:5000/
curl -i localhost:5000/hello/Simon

Running Automated Tests

