
A MATLAB MEX interface for the fast approximation algorithm for the PCST/F problem

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


  • pcst-fast-matlab contains a MATLAB mex interface to pcs-fast.

  • pcst-fast is a fast approximation algorithm for the PCST/F (prize collecting Steiner tree/forest) problem, which can be used in the problem inducing structured sparsity. The original project is implemented in C++. I write a MATLAB MEX file based interface for using it in my MATLAB based academic project (which will be released later).


Run make_mexfiles; in MATLAB console to produce .mex* files.

You can solve PCST/F problem by calling [~,~] = pcst_entry_mex(...); in your MATLAB code.

Several testing cases in test_script.m will help to learn how to use pcst_entry_mex().

In pcst_entry_mex.cc and script_pcst.m, you can find detailed comments about the function interface and meaning of the variables.


  • The main contribution of this project is on the MATLAB MEX interface, including pcst_entry_mex.cc and script_pcst.m

  • Please check the original project page for more information, including the algorithm details, related academic papers and the license info.

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