
Syntactic sugar for Swift initializers

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Syntactic sugar for Swift initializers


let label = UILabel().and {
 $0.textAlignment = .center
 $0.text = "Hello, World!"

is equal with

let label: UILabel = {
  let view = UILabel()
  view.textAlignment = .center
  view.text = "Hello, World!"
  return view

Use with() when copying the value types.

let newFrame = oldFrame.with {
  $0.size.width = 200
  $0.size.height = 100
newFrame.width // 200
newFrame.height // 100

Use do() to do something with less typing.

UserDefaults.standard.do {
  $0.set("donggyu", forKey: "username")
  $0.set("donggyu@gmail.com", forKey: "email")


  • cocoapod
pod 'And', :git => 'https://github.com/donggyushin/And.git'
  • spm
File > Add Packages > https://github.com/donggyushin/And