[NeurIPS 2023] SimMMDG: A Simple and Effective Framework for Multi-modal Domain Generalization

Primary LanguagePython

SimMMDG: A Simple and Effective Framework for Multi-modal Domain Generalization

Hao Dong1Ismail Nejjar2Han Sun2Eleni Chatzi1Olga Fink2
1ETH Zurich, 2EPFL

NeurIPS 2023

Overview of SimMMDG. We split the features of each modality into modality-specific and modality-shared parts. For the modality-shared part, we use supervised contrastive learning to map the features with the same label to be as close as possible. For modality-specific features, we use a distance loss to encourage them to be far from modality-shared features, promoting diversity within each modality. Additionally, we introduce a cross-modal translation module that regularizes features and enhances generalization across missing modalities.


The code was tested using Python 3.10.4, torch 1.11.0+cu113 and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090.


mmcv-full 1.2.7
mmaction2 0.13.0

EPIC-Kitchens Dataset


Download Pretrained Weights

  1. Download Audio model link, rename it as vggsound_avgpool.pth.tar and place under the EPIC-rgb-flow-audio/pretrained_models directory

  2. Download SlowFast model for RGB modality link and place under the EPIC-rgb-flow-audio/pretrained_models directory

  3. Download SlowOnly model for Flow modality link and place under the EPIC-rgb-flow-audio/pretrained_models directory

Download EPIC-Kitchens Dataset

bash download_script.sh 

Download Audio files EPIC-KITCHENS-audio.zip.

Unzip all files and the directory structure should be modified to match:

Click for details...
├── MM-SADA_Domain_Adaptation_Splits
├── rgb
|   ├── train
|   |   ├── D1
|   |   |   ├── P08_01.wav
|   |   |   ├── P08_01
|   |   |   |     ├── frame_0000000000.jpg
|   |   |   |     ├── ...
|   |   |   ├── P08_02.wav
|   |   |   ├── P08_02
|   |   |   ├── ...
|   |   ├── D2
|   |   ├── D3
|   ├── test
|   |   ├── D1
|   |   ├── D2
|   |   ├── D3

├── flow
|   ├── train
|   |   ├── D1
|   |   |   ├── P08_01 
|   |   |   |   ├── u
|   |   |   |   |   ├── frame_0000000000.jpg
|   |   |   |   |   ├── ...
|   |   |   |   ├── v
|   |   |   ├── P08_02
|   |   |   ├── ...
|   |   ├── D2
|   |   ├── D3
|   ├── test
|   |   ├── D1
|   |   ├── D2
|   |   ├── D3

Video and Audio

Click for details...
cd EPIC-rgb-flow-audio
python train_video_flow_audio_EPIC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_audio -s D2 D3 -t D1 --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 20 --datapath /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS/
python train_video_flow_audio_EPIC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_audio -s D1 D3 -t D2 --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 20 --datapath /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS/
python train_video_flow_audio_EPIC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_audio -s D1 D2 -t D3 --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 25 --datapath /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS/

Video and Flow

Click for details...
cd EPIC-rgb-flow-audio
python train_video_flow_audio_EPIC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_flow -s D2 D3 -t D1 --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 15 --datapath /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS/
python train_video_flow_audio_EPIC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_flow -s D1 D3 -t D2 --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 15 --datapath /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS/
python train_video_flow_audio_EPIC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_flow -s D1 D2 -t D3 --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 15 --datapath /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS/

Flow and Audio

Click for details...
cd EPIC-rgb-flow-audio
python train_video_flow_audio_EPIC_SimMMDG.py --use_flow --use_audio -s D2 D3 -t D1 --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 10 --datapath /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS/
python train_video_flow_audio_EPIC_SimMMDG.py --use_flow --use_audio -s D1 D3 -t D2 --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 20 --datapath /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS/
python train_video_flow_audio_EPIC_SimMMDG.py --use_flow --use_audio -s D1 D2 -t D3 --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 20 --datapath /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS/

Video and Flow and Audio

Click for details...
cd EPIC-rgb-flow-audio
python train_video_flow_audio_EPIC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_flow --use_audio -s D2 D3 -t D1 --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 10 --trans_hidden_num 1024 --datapath /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS/
python train_video_flow_audio_EPIC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_flow --use_audio -s D1 D3 -t D2 --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 20 --datapath /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS/
python train_video_flow_audio_EPIC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_flow --use_audio -s D1 D2 -t D3 --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 15 --alpha_trans 1.0 --datapath /path/to/EPIC-KITCHENS/

HAC Dataset

This dataset can be downloaded at link.

Unzip all files and the directory structure should be modified to match:

Click for details...
├── human
|   ├── videos
|   |   ├── ...
|   ├── flow
|   |   ├── ...
|   ├── audio
|   |   ├── ...

├── animal
|   ├── videos
|   |   ├── ...
|   ├── flow
|   |   ├── ...
|   ├── audio
|   |   ├── ...

├── cartoon
|   ├── videos
|   |   ├── ...
|   ├── flow
|   |   ├── ...
|   ├── audio
|   |   ├── ...

Download the pretrained weights similar to EPIC-Kitchens Dataset and put under the HAC-rgb-flow-audio/pretrained_models directory.

Video and Audio

Click for details...
cd HAC-rgb-flow-audio
python train_video_flow_audio_HAC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_audio -s 'animal' 'cartoon' -t 'human' --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 10 --datapath /path/to/HAC/
python train_video_flow_audio_HAC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_audio -s 'human' 'cartoon' -t 'animal' --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 10 --datapath /path/to/HAC/
python train_video_flow_audio_HAC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_audio -s 'human' 'animal' -t 'cartoon' --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 10 --datapath /path/to/HAC/

Video and Flow

Click for details...
cd HAC-rgb-flow-audio
python train_video_flow_audio_HAC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_flow -s 'animal' 'cartoon' -t 'human' --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 20 --datapath /path/to/HAC/
python train_video_flow_audio_HAC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_flow -s 'human' 'cartoon' -t 'animal' --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 20 --datapath /path/to/HAC/
python train_video_flow_audio_HAC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_flow -s 'human' 'animal' -t 'cartoon' --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 20 --datapath /path/to/HAC/

Flow and Audio

Click for details...
cd HAC-rgb-flow-audio
python train_video_flow_audio_HAC_SimMMDG.py --use_flow --use_audio -s 'animal' 'cartoon' -t 'human' --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 15 --datapath /path/to/HAC/
python train_video_flow_audio_HAC_SimMMDG.py --use_flow --use_audio -s 'human' 'cartoon' -t 'animal' --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 15 --datapath /path/to/HAC/
python train_video_flow_audio_HAC_SimMMDG.py --use_flow --use_audio -s 'human' 'animal' -t 'cartoon' --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 20 --datapath /path/to/HAC/

Video and Flow and Audio

Click for details...
cd HAC-rgb-flow-audio
python train_video_flow_audio_HAC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_flow --use_audio -s 'animal' 'cartoon' -t 'human' --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 15 --datapath /path/to/HAC/
python train_video_flow_audio_HAC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_flow --use_audio -s 'human' 'cartoon' -t 'animal' --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 10 --datapath /path/to/HAC/
python train_video_flow_audio_HAC_SimMMDG.py --use_video --use_flow --use_audio -s 'human' 'animal' -t 'cartoon' --lr 1e-4 --bsz 16 --nepochs 15 --datapath /path/to/HAC/


If you have any questions, please send an email to donghaospurs@gmail.com


If you find our work useful in your research please consider citing our paper:

    title={Sim{MMDG}: A Simple and Effective Framework for Multi-modal Domain Generalization},
    author={Dong, Hao and Nejjar, Ismail and Sun, Han and Chatzi, Eleni and Fink, Olga},
    booktitle={Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS)},

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Many thanks to the excellent open-source projects DomainAdaptation.