1. Put your TicketingDS.java and related files in the ticketingsystem directory.
2. GenerateHistory's parameters are threadNum, testNum, isSequential, msec and nsec. 
isSequential=1 denotes for sequential execution. VeriLinS only check sequential execution.
3. VeriLinS's parameters are threadNum, historyFile, isPosttime and outputFile.
The history file generted by GenereateHistory is out of order even in sequnetial execution.
Thus VerilinS first sort the history file according to preTime or postTime. isPosttime=1 denotes sorting by postTime. outputFile is the sorted file.
4. If your program passed the verification of VeriLinS for verify.sh script, message "Verification Finished" is print. Otherwisze, VeriLinS will print the information of the first found error and "Verification Failed".
5. Replay.java is only used for replaying and debugging in an IDE enviornment. You can set a breakpoint at line 158 if the error line occurs at the line 158 of history file.