
Benchmark for quantum framework

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



框架名称 公司 版本号 CPU GPU 原生支持变分 Python API jit 原生支持jw变换 Benchmark进度
MindQuantum 华为 0.8.0
qiskit IBM 0.38.0
intel_qs Intel 2.0.0-beta
paddle quantum Baidu 2.2.1
tensorflow quantum Google 0.7.2
qulacs Qulacs 0.5.2
quest Oxford 3.5.0
tensorcircuit Tencent 0.5.0
pyqpanda 本源 3.7.15

Benchmark task


任务名称 描述 比特范围 哈密顿量项数 量子门个数 OMP Layer
random_circuit_qs 随机量子线路振幅模拟 4-24 / 25*n 1-8 /
random_hamiltonian_expectation 随机哈密顿量期望值 4-24 $\min(1000-100, n_\text{qubit}^4)$ / 1-8 /
maxcut_random_4_regular_with_qaoa 利用qaoa解决随机4-regular的maxcut问题 4-24 / / 1-8 1

Task Detail



x, y, z, h, s, t, cx, cy, cz, rx, ry, rz, xx, yy, zz


$$N = 40(4-n) + 1000$$



可选 Qubit 算符:

X, Y, Z


$$N = 48(4-n) + 1000$$







task format

def {framework_name}_{task_name}_prepare(*prep_args, **prep_kwargs): -> run_task_method



Parameter shift (relative slow) and adjoint gradient (relative fast). Only support rx, ry, rz, rot_pauli, only CPU.

TensorFlow Quantum

Only support float type.

How to use

Prepare environment

The environment is prepared based on what you want to benchmark. For example, the default benchmark task configuration is in ./tasks/benchmark.toml, you can prepare the environment by:

bash prepare_venv.sh ./tasks/benchmark.toml

This script can install frameworks you want to benchmark.

If you want to add new framework to this benchmark project, you need to implement a installing script in env_scripts and add it to env_scripts/install_benchmark_lib.sh.

Activate environment

If you successfully prepared the environment, then you can run following code to activate it.

. prepare_venv.sh ./tasks/benchmark.toml

Your virtual python environment should be activated. At this this time, feel free to commit out some frameworks or benchmark tasks in configuration file.


How this benchmark framework works?

Basically, we run different python scripts to do benchmark, for example if you want to benchmark a task in different qubit q and different platform, you can do like:

python task1.py -q 5 -p cpu
python task1.py -q 6 -p cpu
python task2.py -q 5 -p gpu
python task2.py -q 6 -p gpu

The rest things is to how to organize tasks, how to implement the task and how to show benchmark result. We will explain one by one.

How to organize tasks

This framework support a TaskManage for manage different tasks.

from benchmark import TaskManage
tasks = TaskManage()

Add a script as a task:

task = tasks.add_task('task1.py')

Add arguments to this task:

task.add_arg('q', [5, 6])
task.add_arg('p', ['cpu', 'gpu'])

Generate task file:

tasks.generate_script(script_name="test.sh", cmd='python3')

And you will get a test.sh, let's see what it is.

python3 task1.py -q 5 -p cpu -n $file_name
python3 task1.py -q 5 -p gpu -n $file_name
python3 task1.py -q 6 -p cpu -n $file_name
python3 task1.py -q 6 -p gpu -n $file_name

file_name is a argument you need to send to test.sh. Now you can run the benchmark script like:

bash test.sh result

How to implement task file

Basically, this framework benchmark performance by running a method several times to measure the time consuming. We have a Benchmark object to implement benchmark. Suppose we want to benchmark the following method:

import argparse
from mindquantum import *

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("-p", "--platform", help="platform", type=str, default="cpu")
parser.add_argument("-q", "--qubit", help="number of qubit", type=int, default=4)
args = parser.parse_args()

def tasks(platform, n_qubit):
    sim = Simulator(platform, n_qubit)
    circ =  qft(n_qubit)
    def run(layer):
        for l in range(layer):
        return sim
    return run

run = tasks(args.platform, args.qubit)

We can setup the benchmark by:

from benchmark import Benchmark
          task_params={'platform': args.platform, 'n_qubit': args.qubit},
          task_args=(4, ),

The file_name and file_path is where you will save your benchmark result. task_name is how to identify your benchmark in the result. task_params is how your benchmark setup, and it can also help to identify which run you are in a same task. task_fun is just the method you want to benchmark. task_args is the runtime arguments for task_fun. warmup is set to run several times before we measure the time consuming.

Once the benchmark setup, the benchmark will run automatically.