
Python implementation of k-tail

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

An implementation of the k-Tail algorithm

This repository includes lab materials for COM3523/6523 Software Reengineering at the University of Sheffield.

Specifically, the repository contains the followings:

  • /.github/workflows: GitHub Actions workflow.
  • /data: example trace data.
  • /tests: test cases.
  • finite_state_automaton.py: a class implementing a simple nondeterministic finite automaton with helper methods (e.g., is_accepted()).
  • ktail.py: an implmentation of the k-tail algorithm1.
  • makefile: a makefile defining frequently used commands (i.e., install, clean, linter, test).
  • model_inference_exercise.ipynb: a Jupyter notebook demonstrating the application of the k-tail algorithm.
  • requirements.txt: a list of required libraries.


In your working python (virtual) environment,

make install

Otherwise, you can install the libraries in requirements.txt manually.


In your terminal (where your python interpreter is loaded):

make test

Otherwise, you can run the tests in tests manually (e.g., pytest -v).


Simply run ktail.py or model_inference_exercise.ipynb with your beloved IDE (e.g., PyCharm) or terminal.

For example, run ktail.py will execute the following code:

if __name__ == '__main__':
    k = 2
    words = [
        'a b',
        'a b b',
        'a b b b'
    m = ktail(words=words, k=k, sep=' ', print_internals=False)

As a result, it will infer a model from a set of traces T={ab, abb, abbb} and return the model as follows: image

Note that $ and # are special symbols for the transitions with initial and final states.


Donghwan Shin (https://dshin.info)


Educational Community License, Version 2.0 (see LICENSE for more details)


  1. The k-tail algorithm implementation is based on the algorithm described in the following paper: Busany N, Maoz S, Yulazari Y. Size and accuracy in model inference. In2019 34th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE) 2019 Nov 11 (pp. 887-898). IEEE.