
A WordPress plugin for sending SMS using Twilio

Primary LanguagePHP

Sendex Wordpress Plugin

A plugin that enables you send SMS using Twilio

How to use

  1. First install the plugin to your wordpress site and activate it.

  2. Head to Twilio to create an account if you don’t have one already. After that, navigate to the Twilio Console and note down your account sid and auth token keys. They should look like:

    ACCOUNT SID = AC90d5e*******************
    AUTH TOKEN  = ***************************
  1. Got to the plugin settings page and update your Twilio ACCOUNT SID and AUTH TOKEN:

Setting Page

Then hit the Save Changes button once you are done.

  1. Naviage to the Sendex SMS page by hovering on the Tools menu and then click on SENDEX SMS.

5 Fill in the detail and then send