
Primary LanguageShell


Personal dotfiles for an i3 setup integrated with pywal.

Configs include:

  • i3
  • compton
  • dunst
  • neofetch
  • i3blocks
  • zsh


Mostly the default config as far as keybindings go. The main differences are the pywal integration and the i3bar config, as well as swithing a couple of keybindings for common applications (spotify, opera, and ranger). i3lock was switched out for i3lock-fancy with pixelation.


The compton config was designed to be as simple as possible. The only significant, UX changing setting was making non-active windows dimmed by 20% in order to see the current window.


The dunst config was easily the hardest thing to get right due to lack of docmentation and Xresources compatibility. Outside of tweaking the config, I had to write dunst-wal, a short shell script that dynamically uses xgetres to set the colors when dunst is launched.


My neofetch config is just a couple of tweaks - mostly just removing unneeded information from the display.


I had a lot of fun configuring i3blocks. It shows a wide variety of information. In order, it shows

  • Spotify title and artist (obtained using a slightly modifed version of sp)
  • A pomodoro clock (powered by pomo.sh)
  • The volume from ALSA
  • RAM percent in use
  • Battery percent
  • Local weather from (wttr.in)
  • Date and time


I haven't spent any time messing with this outside of adding a few aliases and changing the theme to sunrise.