** This project is used to process log files to add globle number to these log files. **
- JDK 1.8
- linux for shell script
/src/main, for java source code and related property files
/src/test, for test source code and related property files
/design, for design documents
Maven 3.1
- mvn compile
- mvn test
- mvn package
- mvn install, install to the /#local_m2_path/repository/donglai/logrowprocessor/1.0-SNAPSHOT/logrowprocessor-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar
- I don't have a deploy task.
- mvn package
- cd target
- tar xvf logrow-processor-dist.tar.gz
- cd bin/
- sh processor.sh $Path
or java -jar logrowprocessor-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar $log_dir -Xmx100m -$CLASSPATH
** Edit bin/config.properties: **
- thread.number: The default value is 2. And the min number is 1, the max number is 100.
- logfile.charset: charset of the log file, default value is UTF-8