
Translate your English ebooks (epub/docx) to Chinese and keep most of the format with GPT

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eBook GPT Translator Guide

中文 | English

This guide provides a step-by-step process for setting up the eBook Translator for converting ebooks of other languages into Chinese.

Supported formats: EPUB, DOCX, SRT (subtitles). PDF format is not supported. It is recommended to convert PDF files to EPUB or DOCX format using Adobe Acrobat or similar tools before translation.

[Recommended] Running as Github Action

Github actions can be used to automate the translation process if your book is short and can be translated within the 6-hour time limit.

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Go to the Settings tab of your forked repository.
  3. Go to the Secrets and variables - Actions tab.
  4. (Optional) If you don't have a S3 bucket, you can get free 10GB storage at Cloudflare. Go to R2 - Manage R2 API Tokens - Create API Token. Allow read and write. Take a note of the access key, secret key, and endpoint (full URL, including https://).
  5. Add the following secrets:
    • GOOGLE_API_KEY: Your Gemini API keys.
    • POE_API_KEY: (Optional) Your Poe API keys.
    • S3_ACCESS_KEY: Your S3 access key.
    • S3_SECRET_KEY: Your S3 secret key.
    • S3_ENDPOINT: Your S3 bucket endpoint.
  6. Go to the Variables tab and add the following variables:
    • CN_TITLE: The Chinese name of the book.
    • JP_TITLE: The Foreign name of the book.
    • TRANSLATION_TITLE_RETRY_COUNT: The number of times to retry the batch translation of multiple lines (SRT / Epub title). Recommended 5 times (at least 3 times).
    • DRYRUN, if set to True, then the translation process will be simulated without actually translating the book. Also useful if you don't want to translate rest of the book.
    • PROMPT: (Optional) default to "将下面的英文文本翻译为中文:"
  7. Create a local folder of the name CN_TITLE and place the book file in the folder. Rename the file to input.docx, input.epub or input.srt.
  8. Create a s3 bucket book. Upload the folder to Cloudflare S3 bucket book. (ATTENTION: Keep the folder structure, don't upload the file directly to the bucket)
  9. Go to the Actions tab and manually trigger the workflow.
  10. The translated book will be available in both Chinese and bilingual formats in your S3 bucket.

Running Locally


  • poetry: Install using pip install poetry.
  • Python 3

Repository Clone and Dependency Installation

Clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies:

# It is recommended to create a new virtual environment before installing the dependencies.
git clone https://github.com/ShenSheiBot/ebook-gpt-translator.git
cd ebook-gpt-translator
poetry env use python3.11
poetry install --no-root

Translation Setup

  1. Place the book file in the output/[Chinese Book Name]/ directory and rename it to input.docx, input.epub or input.srt

  2. Rename the file .env.example to .env and update it with the following configurations:

CN_TITLE=[Chinese Book Name]
JP_TITLE=[Original Book Name]
TRANSLATION_TITLE_RETRY_COUNT=[Retry Count for Batch Translation of EPUB Titles or SRT Lines]
  1. Rename translation.yaml.example to translation.yaml and populate it with your Gemini API keys and Poe API keys.
    "Gemini-Pro-api": {
        "name": "gemini-pro",
        "type": "api",
        "retry_count": 3,
        "key": "[Your Gemini API Key]"
    "Poe-api": {
        "name": "Gemini-Pro",
        "type": "api",
        "retry_count": 1,
        "key": "[Your Poe API Key]"
  1. Ensure the book file is in the output/[Chinese Book Name]/ directory and renamed accordingly.

  2. Execute the following command to start the translation process:

poetry run python docxloader.py  # For DOCX files
# or
poetry run python epubloader.py  # For EPUB files
# or
poetry run python srtloader.py  # For SRT files

The translation process can be paused and resumed. If interrupted, simply rerun the command to continue. Upon completion, the translated book will be available in both Chinese and bilingual formats in the output/[Chinese Book Name]/ directory.

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